Outstanding Academic Advisors

Advising is a crucial component for student success. West Chester University proudly honors its 2019 Outstanding Advisors.

University Faculty Advisor Award: Jacqueline Zalewski, Department of Anthropology and Sociology

College-Level Faculty Advisor Awards:

Sean Andre - Accounting
Jennifer Bozeman - Management
Kevin Dean - Honors College
Michael Di Giovine - Anthropology and Sociology
Teresa Donze-Reiner - Biology
Stevie Grassetti - Psychology
Angela Guerriero - Music Education
Carolyn Meehan - Nursing
Selen Razon - Kinesiology
Kate Stewart - Art
Melissa Whidden - Kinesiology
Susan Wysor-Nguema - Undergraduate Social Work

Criteria, timeline , and required forms for these awards.

Additionally, the Honors College Honor Society, Omicron Delta Kappa, solicits student nominations for excellent advisors each year and celebrates them at a spring semester ceremony. Click on each name to read spring 2019 advisees testimonials.

College of Arts and Humanities

Professor Nadia Alsamadi - Psychology
Dr. Jason Bartles - Languages and Cultures
Dr. John Bellomo - Theatre and Dance
Dr. Wolff - Languages and Cultures
Dr. Kim Bridgford - English
Professor Randall Cream - English
Professor Martin Dallago - Theatre & Dance
Dr. Pauline Schmidt - English
Dr. Michael Di Giovine - Anthropology and Sociology
Dr. Margaret Ervin - English
Dr. Éric Fournier - History
Dr. Roger Gatchet - Communication Studies
Peggy Hill - Art and Design
Dr. Steven James - Philosophy
Dr. Vanessa Johnson - Psychology
Dr. Benjamin Kuebrich - English
Dr. Liam Lair - Women's and Gender Studies
Dr. David Levasseur - Communication Studies
Dr. Edward Lordan - Communication Studies
Dr. Rodney Mader - English
Dr. Matthew Meier - Communication Studies
Ms. Mary Clark - English
Dr. Mrkich - English
Dr. Elizabeth Munz - Communication Studies
Dr. Megan Nolan - Psychology
Dr. Roxane Petit-Rasselle - Languages and Cultures
Dr. Matthew Pierlott - Philosophy
Dr. Brent Ruswick - History
Dr. Israel Sanz-Sánchez - History
Dr. Sawyer - Communication Studies
Professor James Scythes - History
Dr. Eleanor Shevlin - English
Professor Zachary Wooten - Communication Studies
Dr. Janneken Smucker - History
Dr. Carolyn Sorisio - English
Dr. Cassie Striblen - Philosophy
Dr. Elizabeth Urban - History
Heather Wholey - Anthropology and Sociology
Dr. Joan Woolfrey - Philosophy

College of Business and Public Management

Dr. Gerald Abdesaken - Economics and Finance
Dr. Sean Andre - Accounting
Dr. Richard Barndt - Accounting
Dr. Michele Bratina - Criminal Justice
Dr. Mary Brewster - Criminal Justice
Dr. Gerard Callanan - Management
Steve Capolarello - Economics and Finance
Dr. Alex Cohen - Marketing
Carolyn Collevecchio - Economics and Finance
Dr. Simon Condliffe - Economics and Finance
Dr. Kristen Crossney - Public Policy and Administration
Dr. Mark Davis - Public Policy and Administration
Dr. Robert Derstine - Accounting
Mr. Albert DiGiacomo - Criminal Justice
Professor Matt Frankel - Accounting
Dr. Shayna Frawley - Management
Dr. Jack Gault - Marketing
Dr. Shannon Grugan - Criminal Justice
Dr. Megan Heckert - Geography and Planning
Dr. Matin Katari - Geography and Planning
Dr. Peter Oehlers - Accounting
Dr. Amanda Olejarski - Public Policy and Administration
Kelly Peltier - Marketing
Dr. Jeremy Phillips - Public Policy and Administration
Lashay Pompey - Marketing
Dr. Chris Przemieniecki - Criminal Justice
Mrs. Lauren Swift - Management
Dr. Megan Teague - Economics and Finance
Dr. Thomas Tolin - Economics and Finance
Sandra Tomkowicz - Marketing
Dr. Jane Tucker - Criminal Justice
Dr. Michelle Wade - Public Policy and Administration
Dr. Ma Ga (Mark) Yang - Management

College of Education and Social Work

Dr. Michael Bell - Early and Middle Grades Education
Dr. Michelle Bell - Early and Middle Grades Education
Kristine Bengel - Early and Middle Grades Education
Dr. Page Buck - Social Work, Graduate
Dr. Wan-Yi Chen - Social Work - Graduate
Dr. Christy Hicks - Special Education
Dr. Karen Dickinson - Counselor Education
Dr. John Elmore - Educational Foundations and Policy Studies
Dr. Kevin Flanigan -  Literacy
Professor Samantha Guisti -  Social Work, Graduate
Dr. Jacqueline Hodes - Education Foundations and Policy Studies
Dr. Kathryn (Tina) Alessandria - Counselor Education
Dr. Travis Sky Ingersoll - Social Work, Undergraduate
Dr. Karen Johnson - Early and Middle Grades Education
Dr. Angela Lavery - Social Work, Graduate
Dr. Heather Leaman - Early and Middle Grades Education
Dr. Lucas - Early and Middle Grades Education
Dr. Stacie Metz - Social Work, Graduate
Dr. Ashley Miller - Special Education
Dr. Cheryl Neale McFall - Counselor Education
Dr. Susan Wysor-Nguema - Social Work, Undergraduate
Dr. Mia Ocean - Social Work, Graduate
Noel Ramirez - Social Work, Graduate
Dr. Rita Patel - Counselor Education
Dr. Kathleen Riley - Literacy
Dr. Donna Sanderson - Early and Middle Grades Education
Dr. Diane Santori - Literacy
Dr. Heather Schugar - Literacy
Kathryn Solic - Early and Middle Grades Education
Dr. Staulters - Special Education
Ms. Amy Stoltzfus - Early and Middle Grades Education
Dr. Julie Tennille - Social Work, Graduate
Dr. Donna Wandry - Special Education

College of Health Sciences

Dr.Zeinab Baba - Health
Dr. Nancy Barker - Nursing
Ms. Dominique Bennett - Student Success Center
Dr. Debra Bill - Health
Dr. Ken Clark - Kinesiology
Dr. Alison Gardiner Shires - Sports Medicine
Dr. Mary Beth Gilboy - Nutrition
Dr. Amir Golmohamadi - Nutrition
Dr. Gunter - Communication Sciences and Disorders
Dr. Harris - Nutrition
Dr. Michael Holik - Nutrition
Dr. Tammy James - Health
Professor Whitney Katirai - Health
Amie Keiser Pinelli - Kinesiology
Dr. Kensey - Nursing
Ms. Stephanie Kienle - Health
Dr. Sojung Kim - Communication Sciences and Disorders
Dr. Means - Communication Sciences and Disorders
Dr. Katherine Morrison - Sports Medicine
Dr. Selen Razon - Kinesiology
Dr. Aaron Roman - Communication Sciences and Disorders
Dr. Gopal Sankaran - Health
Dr. Alessandra Sarcona - Nutrition
Dr. Shorten - Health
Dr. Ramona Stone - Health
Dr. Regina Subach - Nutrition
Dr. Neha Sunger - Health
Dr. Chiwoneso Tinago - Health
Dr. Michelle Tucker - Nursing
Dr. Sandra Walz - Nutrition
Dr. Melissa Whidden - Kinesiology

College of Sciences and Mathematics

Dr. Brian Bowen - Mathematics
Dr. Johnny Tadros - Psychology
Professor Paula Skutnick Henry - Psychology
Dr. Afrand Agah - Computer Science
Dr. Josh Auld - Biology
Kathleen Baramani - Computer Science
Dr. Jenna Becker Kane - Political Science
Dr. Richard Burns - Computer Science
Dr. Rebecca Chancellor - Anthropology and Sociology
Dr. Melissa Cichowicz - Chemistry
Dr. Angela Clarke - Psychology
Dr. Ashlie Delshad - Political Science
Dr. Teresa Donze Reiner - Biology
Dr. Richard Epstein - Computer Science
Dr. Robert Gallop - Mathematics
Dr. Susan Gans  - Psychology
Dr. Michael Gawrysiak - Psyhchology
Dr. Stevie Grassetti - Psyhchology
Dr. Joby Hiliker - Earth and Space Science
Dr. Daniel Ilaria - Mathematics
Dr. Lisa Marano - Mathematics
Dr. Jen Maresh - Biology
Dr. Scott McClintock - Mathematics
Ms. Jessica McMahan - Computer Science
Dr. Vipanchi Mishra - Psychology
Dr. Ian Morrison - Physics and Pre-Engineering
Professor Viorel Nitica - Mathematics
Dr. James Pruitt - Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Product Development
Dr. Jessica Schedlbauer - Biology
Dr. Chris Stangl - Political Science
Dr. Linda Stevenson - Political Science
Dr. Jeffrey Sudol - Physics and Pre-Engineering
Dr. Rosemary Sullivan - Mathematics
Dr. Jessica Sullivan Brown - Biology
Dr. Eric Sweet - Biology
Dr. Jasmin Tahmaseb McConatha - Psychology
Professor Steven Uhlenbrock - Psychology
Dr. Stefani Yorges - Psychology
Dr. Jacqueline Zalewski - Anthropology and Sociology
Dr. Vishal Shah - Biology

School of Music

Dr. Emily Bullock - Applied Music
Dr. Angela Guerriero - Music Education
Dr. Marci Major - Music Education
Dr. Elizabeth Pfaffle - Applied Music
Prof. Ragonese - Applied Music
Dr. Igor Resnianski - Applied Music
Dr. Ryleigh - Music Education

University College

Professor Bruce Norris - Professional Studies
Dr. Ann Colgan - Exploratory Studies
Dr. Courtney Lloyd - Exploratory Studies
Christine Dennis - LARC Achieve Program
Dr. Kevin Dean - Honors College
Dr. Geradina Martin - Honors College