Si Chen

Si Chen
  • Associate Professor
  • Assistant Chair
  • Department: Computer Science
  • Institution: West Chester University of Pennsylvania
  • Email:


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo - SUNY, Buffalo, NY, USA, May 2016
  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo - SUNY, Buffalo, NY, USA, May 2012
  • B.S. in Measuring & Control Technology and Instrumentations, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, June 2010

Research Interests

cyber-physical system securitysmart wearable devicescomputer securitycomputer privacy


Work Study Positions Available: No

Grant Funded Positions Available: No

Course-Credit Research Opportunities Available: No

Volunteer Research Positions Available: No


As an Associate Professor in the Computer Science department at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, I focus my research on practical problem-solving and security measures for mobile sensing and cyber-physical systems. I believe that smartphone-enabled crowdsourcing approaches can facilitate building large-scale information infrastructures cost-effectively. Additionally, I conduct physical layer research on cyber-physical system security to create reliable and secure wireless communications. During the last five years, my research mainly emphasized cyber-physical system security and the privacy and security of smart wearable devices. My publications, which have been accepted into high-ranking academic journals such as ACM SenSys (2015, Rank A++), IEEE ICDCS (2017, 2015 Rank A+), IEEE MASS (2018, Rank A), IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), and IEEE IoT Journal, have made significant contributions to the cyber-physical security and mobile sensing research community. In 2017, my paper on human voice security and privacy won the Best Student Paper award at the ICDCS conference. I am an IEEE Senior Member and a member of ACM.

Contact Information

Phone: 610-436-6998