
Contraception (birth control) is a method of preventing pregnancy. Most women of reproductive age in the United States use some form of contraception. Contraceptives and Women’s Health exams that are available at the Student Health Services include:

  • Prescriptions for oral contraceptives ("the Pill"), emergency contraception, hormonal patches, Depo Provera injections, the contraceptive ring, and diaphragm. We can refer you to providers for IUD or hormonal implant insertion. To obtain contraceptive prescriptions, an evaluation with the SHS health care provider is required. A GYN/Women’s Health Exam may be required, your SHS health care provider will discuss this with you at your visit.
  • Condoms are available at no cost.

Hormonal Contraception (pills, patches or rings)

  • Prescription contraceptives are available at Student Health Services by appointment (610-436-2509). Prescriptions written are to be filled at a pharmacy off campus.
  • We can refer you to providers for IUD or hormonal implant insertion.
  • It is not always necessary to have a full gynecologic exam (gyn exam) before starting on a contraceptive; discuss this with your health care provider.
  • The Student Health Center has a dispensary which includes some oral contraceptives (The Pill) and these are available from the dispensary at a cost of $13.00 a pack.  You can discuss this with your health care provider.
  • You must make an appointment to pick up packs of pills. You may pick up single or multiple packs at each appointment.
  • For oral contraceptives (The Pill) ordered by an SHS health care provider from our dispensary, you must make appointments to pick up packs of pills.  You may pick up single or multiple packs at each “pill pick up” appointment.
  • Patients on Depo Provera can have their injections provided by a health care provider by appointment.  If the Depo Provera is ordered by outside physician, you must bring your GYN records and copy of last Depo Provera injection. 

Emergency Contraception

  • Emergency Contraceptive (EC) pills are used to decrease the chances of pregnancy if no contraceptive (birth control) was used during sex, after a contraceptive failure (broken condom), or after a sexual assault.
  • EC is available at the Student Health Center by appointment (610-436-2509).
  • Women can take emergency contraceptive pills up to 72 hours after unprotected sex, but the sooner the pills are taken, the better they will work.
  • There are two types of emergency contraception available the Student Health Center, Plan B and Ella.      Your health care provider will assist you with the best choice for you.
    • Plan B: Available at the student health center and over the counter at a pharmacy for women over the age of 17 years. If less than 17 years of age, a prescription is required.
    • Ella: Available at the student health center and only by prescription at a pharmacy.
  • Emergency contraception is NOT a regular (ongoing) method of birth control. Take time during your appointment to discuss options for ongoing contraception.

Oral Contraceptives after an Annual Exam by a provider at home

  • If you have already had your annual GYN exam completed by a provider from home or elsewhere and it is recently, you can request your records including: medical history, exam, and lab tests records be faxed to the Student Health Center at 610-436-3148.
  • The WCU Student Health Services Release of Information Form can be used if needed. Once this information is received you may set up a brief appointment (610-436-2509) with one of our Women's Health Nurse Practitioners. They will review your history, ask you some questions to make sure there are no contraindications, and if appropriate, prescribe the contraceptive for you.


  • $12.00 fee for visit or exam
  • $20.00 fee for pap smear (without insurance)
  • $13.00 for a 28 days pack of birth control pills (1 month) from our dispensary.  Prescriptions are available to be used with your insurance and at a pharmacy. 

You may choose whether to use insurance or not for any lab tests performed

Permanent (nonreversible) Contraception

 If you are interested in non-reversible contraception (such as vasectomy or tubal ligation) our clinicians can refer you to a local health care provider.