Welcome to the Supply Chain and Business Intelligence Center!
The Supply Chain and Business Intelligence Center is committed to providing students with information, education, and career resources on supply chain management and other corresponding fields. Our mission is to collaborate with internal departments and external companies to facilitate student learning, build connections and networks, create experimental learning activities, and participate in SCBIC competitions and events.
News and Announcements
Clark Associates and Enterprise Mobility have committed to being sponsors this year for the Supply Chain Management program! The Supply Chain Management program will work collaboratively with Clark Associates and Enterprise Mobility to bring opportunities of jobs, internships, and experiential learning activities to students who are interested in the supply chain field.
Supply Chain & Business Intelligence Club
The Supply Chain & Business Intelligence Club, a student-run organization committed to giving students real supply chain experience and networking opportunities.
For any questions involving the SCBI Club, please contact Calissa Blynn, CB1019174@wcupa.eduCheck Us Out!
About Us- The Supply Chain Management Team!
Linda (Xiaowei) Zhu, PhD, Management Department Chair and Executive Director of SCBIC xzhu@wcupa.edu
Linda Zhu, PhD, is a professor and chair of Management in the College of Business and Public Management at West Chester University where she teaches Operations Management and Management Information Systems (SAP Integrated Session) at the graduate and undergraduate levels and leads the “Supply Chain Management in China” study abroad trip. Dr. Zhu earned her PhD from University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee. Dr. Zhu's areas of research include supply chain management, outsourcing management, mixed channel, forecasting, information sharing, and quality management.
Qi Zou, Ph.D., Director of SCBIC qzou@wcupa.edu
Dr. Qi Zou is an Assistant Professor of Management in the College of Business and Public Management at West Chester University where she teaches Procurement and Production and Operations Management. She earned her Ph. D. in Manufacturing and Technology Management from University of Toledo. Dr. Qi Zou’s research interests include supply chain triadic relationship management, innovation, and risk management. She is serving as the director of the Supply Chain Management Center (SCMC) and has organized several SCMC activities, such as the case competition, plant tours, hot-topic seminar, and information session, to support SCM program.
Mark (Ma Ga) Yang, Ph.D., SCBI Program Director myang@wcupa.edu
Dr. Mark Yang is an Associate Professor of Management in the College of Business and Public Management at West Chester University. He earned his Ph.D. in Manufacturing and Technology Management from the University of Toledo, Ohio. He teaches Operations and Supply Chain Management, Project Management and Quality Management at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Dr. Yang is currently serving as Supply Chain Management program director and SAP University Alliance faculty coordinator. Dr. Yang's areas of research include supply chain integration, lean manufacturing, sustainable supply chains, and platform ecosystem. He has published articles in various journals such as Industrial Management & Data Systems, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Journal of Service Management, Management Decision and Production Planning & Control.
Phuoc Pham, Ph.D., SCBI Faculty ppham@wcupa.edu
Dr. Phuoc Pham is an Assistant Professor of Management in the College of Business and Public Management at West Chester University. He earned his Ph.D. in Manufacturing and Technology Management from the University of Toledo, Ohio. Before returning for his PhD, he enjoyed a ten-year career in Sales and Marketing, and Project Management. He teaches Production and Operations Management and Supply Chain Management. Dr. Pham's research interests include supply chain technology, and marketing and supply chain interface.
Michael Van Belle, SCBIC Student Assistant, MV1031547@wcupa.edu
Michael Van Belle is a Supply Chain and Business Intelligence Center Assistant. He is a senior studying Supply Chain Management in the WCU College of Business and Public Management. Michael joined the SCBIC in the Fall of 2024 and has plans to graduate in May 2025. Outside of school, his interests are golf, working out, running, and spending time with family/friends.
Patrick Leahy, SCBIC Student Assistant, PL1017246@wcupa.edu
Patrick Leahy is a Supply Chain and Business Intelligence Center Assistant. He is a sophomore studying Supply Chain Management in the WCU College of Business and Public Management. Patrick joined the SCBIC in the Fall of 2024 and plans to graduate in May 2027. Outside of school, his interests are skiing, golf, and spending time with friends and family.