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Dr. Adam Rainear Headshot West Chester University media relations managers are happy to assist journalists with interview requests for this expert. Call 610-436-3383 or email HSchwarz@wcupa.edu

Dr. Adam Rainear

Assistant Professor

College of Arts & Humanities - Communication and Media


Dr. Adam Rainear is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Media at West Chester University. He teaches courses in media campaigns, media literacy, media and culture, and digital production.

Rainear’s research examines communication during times of weather crises, with a particular interest in mediated risk communication using social media or new technology. He is interested in investigating how different groups, such as the general public or emergency managers, use social media during extreme weather events. His most recent publications have appeared in journals such as Journal of Emergency Management, Communication Research Reports, and Weather, Climate, & Society.


  • B.A.;B.S., Rutgers University, 2014
  • M.A., University of Connecticut, 2016
  • Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 2019