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Dr. Francis Atuahene Headshot West Chester University media relations managers are happy to assist journalists with interview requests for this expert. Please call the Communications Office at 610-436-3383.

Dr. Francis Atuahene

Associate Professor and Director, Exploratory Studies

University College - Exploratory Studies


Dr. Atuahene earned a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Higher Education Administration and Policy and a cognate in College Student Personnel. He earned a Master of Arts in International Affairs (MAIA), with a regional concentration in African Politics, and Master of Public Administration (MPA) all from the Ohio University. He also received a Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) degree in Political Science with Philosophy from the University of Ghana. Atuahene has a two-pronged research interests focusing on higher education policy, student success and retention. Atuahene believes in empowering students to be academically independent. To him, teaching and advising is a calling, a labor of love.


  • B.A., University of Ghana
  • MAIA, Ohio University
  • MPA, Ohio University
  • Ph.D., Ohio University