Application Requirements
- Complete the online application below.
- Upload up to three selections of 20-25 minutes of music. All recordings should be from performances during the 2023-24 academic year.
- Recordings must be products of the current director.
- Recordings should be unedited 'run through' performances. Rehearsal or recording performances are acceptable.
- Movements of extended works can count as a single piece.
Payment Information
Selected bands will be announced the week of October 13 and invoiced at that time. Payment is Due December 1 and required for participation.
- High School Ensembles: $750
- Junior High and Middle School Ensembles: $500
- Make checks payable to West Chester University Foundation. Include a Memo stating "Account No. 2400-907". Payment should be mailed to:
Kaysey Davis
WCU National Band Association Wind Band Symposium
Swope Music Building - 256
817 South High Street
West Chester, PA 19383
Performance Application