Current Trends in Music Education - MUE 510

May 27 - June 27
Online Asynchronous - 3 Credits

This course is an exploration of current trends in music education, including but not limited to: philosophy of music education, curriculum development, instructional methods, music technology, music technology for special learners, and evolution of teacher training.


Meeting Pattern

MUE 510 is an online asynchronous course.

Course Enrollment

Course Enrollment - MUE 510

Enrollment Options In-State Out of State


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Tuition - $316 per credit*

Fees - $139 per credit

*Reflects $200 tuition discount

Tuition - $574 per credit*

Fees - $151 per credit

*Reflects $200 tuition discount

Non-Degree Seeking

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Tuition - $516 per credit

Fees - $139 per credit

Tuition - $774 per credit

Fees - $151 per credit

Masters Students

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Enroll Now

Tuition - $516 per credit

Fees - $139 per credit

Tuition - $774 per credit

Fees - $151 per credit


Marci Major

Marci Major