Faculty Senate

Mission: The mission of the Faculty Senate at West Chester University is to ensure classroom and non-classroom faculty involvement in the shared governance of the institution. A forum for advocating and evaluating institutional policy and related matters affecting the welfare of the University, the Faculty Senate is committed to fostering a climate that promotes the growth and development of faculty and students.

Areas of Impact

Serving as a conduit for various campus-wide offices to reach faculty.

  • Staff members, administrators, faculty members, and even students are invited to regular Senate meetings to share timely information and answer questions. Recent guests include: Director of the Office of Educational Accessibility Dr. David Thomas; Faculty Ombuds Dr. Joan Woolfrey; LQBTQIA+ University Caucus Co-Chairs Beth Shearn and Dr. Liam Lair; Dr. Ed Lorden (discussing recent university rebranding efforts); Associate Vice President for Facilities Gary Bixby; Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Dr. Tracey Ray Robinson; APSCUF-WCU President Dr. Margaret Ervin; and CAPC Chair Dr. Susan Johnston.

Participation in various major administrative searches on campus.

  • A Faculty Senate member is included on many search committees (for positions most relevant to faculty interests) at the levels of Associate/Assistant Vice President, Associate/Vice Provost, Dean, and Director. In addition, most on-campus interviews for such searches include dedicated time with each candidate for representatives of Senate and other WCU shared-governance groups.

Serving as a forum and clearinghouse for issues affecting faculty on campus.

  • Faculty Senate hosts an open forum with administrative leaders each semester that includes WCU’s President; Executive Vice President & Provost; Deputy Provost & Vice President for Academic Operations; Vice President for Student Affairs; and Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion & Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer.
  • Senate hosts a panel of deans during a regular meeting each academic year to discuss, among other topics, the allocation of discretionary AWA in their college/school.
  • Senate co-sponsors/co-organizes campus-wide events that address important faculty concerns, including most recently: “Academic Freedom in the Classroom: What It Is and What It is Not” with Dr. Henry Reichman in May 2022 and multiple events addressing workplace bullying in higher education with Dr. Leah Hollis in October 2022.

Advocating for and supporting diversity and positive campus climate.

  • Faculty Senate advocacy has played a role in the addition of important campus positions, recently including our Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer and Faculty Ombudsperson.
  • Senate also liaisons with a variety of campus organizations, including the ADA Committee; Alumni Association; Budget Review Committee; Campus Climate Intervention Team; Council for Diversity, Inclusion, and Academic Excellence; Faculty Mentoring Committee; IS&T and LMS Advisory Committees; LGBTQA+ University Caucus; Multicultural Faculty Commission; President’s Commission on the Status of Women; and Sustainability Advisory Council.

Promoting transparency, inclusion, and shared governance.

  • Members of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee regularly meet with the WCU President, the Provost and Deputy Provost, and other administrative leaders.

Additional Contacts

Please contact any member of the Executive Committee with suggestions, topics, or questions.


Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year! Most Senate meetings this year will be held via Zoom, and the meeting link will be emailed to all WCU faculty ahead of time. All full-time and part-time WCU faculty are welcome to attend.

All regular meetings take place 3-5pm

Fall 2024:

  • Senate meeting: 3-5 pm. Friday, Sept. 6 (in person, SECC building, room 101A)
  • Senate meeting: 3-5 pm. Friday, Friday, Oct. 18 (on Zoom)
  • Open Forum with administrators: 2-3 pm. Wednesday, Nov. 6 (Zoom webinar)
  • Senate meeting: 3-5 pm. Friday, Dec. 6 (on Zoom)

Spring 2025:

  • Senate meeting: 3-5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 31 (in person, SECC building, room 101A)
  • Open Forum with administrators: 11 am-12 pm. Tuesday, Feb. 25 (Zoom webinar)
  • Senate meeting: 3-5 p.m. Friday, March 28 (on Zoom)
  • Senate meeting: 3-5 p.m. Friday, April 25 (on Zoom)
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