Accessible Shuttle Bus

Service Outside of OnDemand Hours

  • Evenings after 9:00 PM, weekends, summer/winter sessions and special service days require trips to be booked in advance
  • Riders can login to the scheduling system using their current WCU username and password
  • Ride requests can either be recurring (for regularly scheduled trips over a period of time) or one time (for a specific purpose)
  • Requests must be made at least 24 hours in advance
  • Weekend trips must be booked by 2 PM on the preceding Friday
  • Submission of transportation requests is not a guarantee of acceptance
  • The Transportation office will notify the requester with confirmation

All riders must read the Accessible Bus Policy.

Contact the Transportation Office at 610-436-1053 for assistance. Our email address is

Please Log In below to access the Accessible Shuttle Bus forms.

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