Prepare Proposal

You must contact your Grants Specialist who will assist you in all stages of the proposal development and submission process.

Follow the steps below when applying for a grant.

1. Required Initial Steps and obtaining internal approvals

  • Contact your grants specialist in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
    • Your grants specialist will set up a meeting to discuss the RFP in detail and review WCU and sponsor grant submission policies and procedures.
    • Your representative is there to assist you in every step of the submission process and answer any questions you may have.
  • At least three weeks before the grant is due, you must fill out the Electronic Grant and Contract Cover Sheet
    • The budget and the project description/narrative must be uploaded to the form.
    • For all WCU contributions (committed matches), include the type of contribution (e.g., AWA, cash, in-kind) the amount, the cost center, and the e-mail addresses of the fund manager for these commitments. Please request the cost center number from your Chair or Dean.
    • Once you click submit, the form will automatically be forwarded to the appropriate individuals that are listed on the form. E-mails requesting approvals will automatically take place in this order:
      • WCU Contributions (if applicable)
      • Chair/Supervisor: If this individual is the same as who is providing a contribution, they will receive two e-mails, one for the contribution and one as Chair/Supervisor.
      • Dean/Division Director: If this individual is the same as those who is providing a contribution, they will receive two e-mails, one for the contribution and one as Dean/Director
    • Your ORSP representative will obtain the approval of the Provost and the Associate VP for Research and Sponsored Programs and inform you when all approvals are in place.

Please note: information entered into the electronic form is not binding. ORSP understands that budgets may change, and that the narrative portion of the proposal is not a final version.

2. Prepare Narrative

3. Prepare Budget

Work closely with your research office representative to develop your budget and coordinate approval from Restricted Funds.

  • Questions?
  • Contact us at 610-436-3557
  • Email Us