Committees & Initiatives
Assessment Council
Chair: Amanda Thomas
The Student Affairs Assessment Council is made up of members of the WCU community
who are responsible for assessment activities and/or interested in learning more about
co-curricular assessment. The Assessment Council works with staff and faculty to improve
the quality of co-curricular programs and services, student learning, retention and
success through the intentional use of data. Meetings occur one to two times per month.
Homecoming & Family Weekend Planning Committee
Chair: Barrett McGee and Lisa Montgomery
This institution-wide committee helps to plan, coordinate, and market all aspects of the WCU Homecoming program. The group will meet about bi-weekly during the fall semester through early November.
Paraprofessional Supervisors Committee
Chair: Adriane Reilly
The Paraprofessional Supervisors Committee is an interdisciplinary community of supervisors who strive to create a consistent, high-impact student employment experience through enhanced communication, streamlined processes, and shared resources and best practices.
Professional Development Committee
Chair: Sara Hinkle
The committee generates ideas, plans programs, and coordinates resources related to all levels of professional development for the Division. The group will meet year round approximately every three to four weeks.
Programming Council
Co-Chairs: Barrett McGee and Sabrina Rightmer
Programming Council brings departments together to collaborate, share resources, and create a comprehensive approach to programs offered to students.
Ramboree Planning Committee
Co-Chairs: Kimmy Farrer and Megan Waldrop
This committee helps to plan, coordinate, and market all aspects of Ramboree. The group will meet monthly during most of the year, then bi-weekly after spring break through to the event.
West Chester University 1871 Award
Chair: Sara Hinkle
Annual award honoring up to 71 juniors and seniors who are high-achieving in both the academic and co-curricular realms. Bi-weekly meetings in the fall semester to solicit nominations and select honorees; weekly meetings in the spring semester to finalize and plan the event itself
West Chester’s First
Chair: Evelyn Anderson, Yessica Gutierrez, Amanda Thomas
This committee celebrates and supports WCU's first-generation college students by providing access to resources, opportunities to connect, and spaces to build a sense of community.