Request a Training

Thank you for taking the time to complete our training request form. The Office of the Assistant Vice President for Health & Wellness is committed to offering training programs to the WCU community about CARE Team and Student Assistance services. If possible, we ask you to consider scheduling your training between 8:00am-4:00pm Monday-Friday, but we will try to accommodate a training after-hours when requested.

Contact Information
First Name is a required field.
Last Name is a required field.
Email is a required field.
What department/organization are you requesting the training for? is a required field.
Training Information
Who is the audience? is a required field.

(check all that apply)

Which of the following services would you like the training to discuss? is a required field.

(check all that apply)

What training modality do you prefer? is a required field.

(check all that apply)

What level of training do you believe would be most appropriate for your group? is a required field.

Where will the training be held? is a required field.
What dates/times do you have available for the training? is a required field.

(please provide two-three dates, if possible, at least one week away from today's date.)