About Us
Our staff includes Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, and Physicians. Our goal is to help you stay healthy and in class so you can meet your academic goals.
We are well equipped to manage the illnesses and injuries common to a student population.
Our Services
General Health Care
We are well equipped to manage your general health needs. Make an appointment for respiratory infection, asthma care, orthopedic injuries, urinary tract infections, sexual health care, or other health concerns. We can also do your physical exam, if it is required for employment or a driver's license.
Required Immunization
- Meningitis vaccine: Pennsylvania law requires all college students living in campus housing in Pennsylvania to have a Meningococcal Vaccination or sign a waiver.
- If your meningitis vaccine dose was before your sixteenth birthday, the CDC recommends that you get a second dose prior to arriving at school, especially if you will be living on campus
Recommended Immunizations
Student Health Services offers appointments for TB skin tests and the following immunizations: seasonal influenza, tetanus, and tetanus with pertussis.
- Diphtheria
- Hepatitis B: series of 3 vaccines
- HPV Vaccination: 3 doses
- Influenza Vaccination (Flu Shot): recommended annually (available at Student Health Services)
- Measles, Mumps and Rubella: two doses of live MMR administered on or after the first birthday (students born before 1957 are exempt)
- Pertussis (Tdap)
- Serogroup B Meningococcal (MenB)
- Tetanus: Original series, plus booster within 10 years (available at Student Health Services)
- Varicella: two doses of live varicella vaccine or physician documented history of the illness (chicken pox)
- All students who receive an immunization or TB test must remain in the health center for 15 minutes for observation.

- Student Health Services (SHS) includes a medication dispensary with medications that are frequently prescribed during a health visit.
- Prescriptions from outside physicians cannot be filled at SHS.
- There is a nominal fee for medications, with prices generally lower than the prices found in chain pharmacies.
- You may choose to purchase specific medications at a local pharmacy; be familiar with your prescription plan and bring a copy of your prescription plan card to school.
Pharmacies Within Walking Distance of Campus
- Rite Aid Pharmacy: 13 E. Gay St., 610-696-0409
- Rite Aid Pharmacy: 929 S. High St. (Parkway Shopping Center), 610-436-6767
- Complete List of Pharmacies
Needle Disposal

- You can pick up a FREE sharps disposal container at Student Health Services.
- Improper disposal of needles and sharps leads to health risks for staff and students.
- Please ask at the front desk of the Health Center to receive your sharps disposal container.
- We strongly encourage participants of the Safe Needle Disposal Program to exchange a full sharps container with a new, empty sharps container at the Health Center.
Sexual Health Services
Contraception (birth control) is a method of preventing pregnancy. Most women of reproductive age in the United States use some form of contraception. Contraceptives and Women’s Health exams that are available at the Student Health Services include:
- Oral contraceptives (The Pill) and emergency contraceptive. To initiate any form of contraception requires a visit with a SHS health care provider. Annual GYN/Women’s Health Exams are required annually to continue contraceptives every year.
- Prescriptions for oral contraceptives ("the Pill"), emergency contraception, hormonal patches, Depo Provera injections, the contraceptive ring, and diaphragm. We can refer you to providers for IUD or hormonal implant insertion. To obtain contraceptive prescriptions, an evaluation with the SHS health care provider is required. A GYN/Women’s Health Exam may be required, your SHS health care provider will discuss this with you at your visit.
- Condoms are available at no cost.
- You can purchase oral contraceptives at Student Health Services if the prescription was issued by a SHS care provider.
Learn More about contraception
STI Testing
Sexually transmitted infections (STI's) are passed from one person to another during sexual contact. If you are sexually active, it is important to get tested regularly, since many STI's have no symptoms. Getting tested makes you aware of any treatments you may need.
- When to Test:
- Definitely get tested if you have symptoms of an STI: sores, warts, vaginal or penile discharge, pain with urination, or a partner with symptoms. Testing recommendations vary depending on risk factors.
- STI Testing at Student Health Services:
- Talk with the Nurse Practitioner during your appointment about which tests are appropriate for you.
- Other local STI Testing sites:
- Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania offers STI testing with fees on a sliding scale.
- Chester County Department of Health offers free, confidential STI testing without an appointment.
GYN Exams
- A GYN (pelvic) exam may not be needed to start a contraceptive. If you have had an exam elsewhere, please get copies of your records/testing before your appointment at Student Health Services.
- Talk with the Nurse Practitioner about your concerns and questions.
- An exam is usually needed for STI testing.
- A PAP Smear is done to screen for cervical cancer. Talk with the nurse practitioner about this if you have questions.
TB Testing
TB Tests
Learn more about Tuberculosis from the CDC
- TB skin tests: required for select students.
- Education majors
- Nursing majors
- International Students: Students who are from countries where TB disease is very common (most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Russia), and have entered the United States within the 5 years prior to University entrance. TB screening must be done within 6 months prior to the start of classes.
All students who receive an immunization or TB test must remain in the health center for 15 minutes for observation.
Tuberculosis testing requirements may vary among University departments. Contact the Department representative for specific information.