Entrepreneurship Minor

Entrepreneurship Minor Video    Entrepreneurship Minor Fact Sheet

General Requirements

To be admitted to the Entrepreneurship minor, students must have an overall GPA of 2.5. Students must maintain an overall GPA of 2.5 and earn a grade of C or better in each course required for the minor. The Entrepreneurship Minor is 6 courses made up of the following 18 credits:

  • BLA 201- Legal Environment on Business
  • MGT 471- Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  • MGT 472- Entrepreneurship: Feasibility and Launch
  • MGT 473- Entrepreneurship: Startup and Growth
  • MGT 475- Entrepreneurship Internship
  • Elective (select one of the following):
    • BLA 308- Entrepreneurial Law
    • FIN 312- Entrepreneurial Finance
    • MGT 474- Social Entrepreneurship
    • MKT 385- Entrepreneurial Marketing
    • PHI 373- Business Ethics
    • PHI 376- Entrepreneurial Ethics

Entrepreneurship Minor Advisor: Dr. Monica Zimmerman

Entrepreneurship Minor Advising Guide

Cottrell Entrepreneurship Center

Students minoring in entrepreneurship have access to the many resources of the Cottrell Entrepreneurship Center. These resources include mentoring, workshops, networking events, coaching, etc.

Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization of West Chester University of Pennsylvania (CEO of WCU)

Entrepreneurship Minors are encouraged to be active members of CEO of WCU

Join CEO of WCU

CEO of WCU's Mission:
To help advance entrepreneurship across WCU locations and help develop a student group interested in this cause.

The WCU Entrepreneurship Club is a chapter of CEO - The Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization

Contact Information:
Connor Gabe, CEO WCU Entrepreneurship Club
President, CG864458@wcupa.edu

Thomas M. McDermott Entrepreneurial Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship is designed for a WCU student who has dreams of becoming an entrepreneur and can use their WCU education in any area of study to achieve their goals! A minimum $500 scholarship will be awarded annually by the Chair of the Department of Management and the Faculty Advisor of the Entrepreneurship Minor to a student enrolled in the Entrepreneurship Minor. Student must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA.


  • Fund Amount: $3,000.00
  • Minimum Applicant Award: $500.00
  • Maximum Applicant Award: None
  • Maximum Recipients: 3

See application details