Dr. Angela Kline
Title: MPA Director, Associate Professor
Location: 554 BPM Center
Email: AKline@wcupa.edu
Phone: 610-436-2650
Google Scholar: Dr. Angela Kline Profile
Dr. Angela Kline joined the faculty at West Chester University in 2019. She is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Policy and Administration and serves as the Director of the Master of Public Administration Program. Her research interests include nonprofit management and accountability, mentoring, and online education. Dr. Kline is enthusiastic about providing students with opportunities to conduct research and enhance their professional development skills.
She received her Ph.D. Urban Affairs and Public Policy from the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Delaware. Prior to joining WCU, Dr. Kline worked for several nonprofit organizations doing resource development and evaluation.
- B.A., University of Pittsburgh
- MPA, Villanova University
- Ph.D., University of Delaware
Courses Taught
- DPA 701 Advanced Practice and Applied Theories of Public Policy and Administration
- DPA 704 Advocacy and Leadership in Public Policy and Administration
- DPA 705 Research Design for Program and Policy and Evaluation
- DPA 707 Qualitative Methods of Program and Policy and Evaluation
- PPA 505 Public Sector Organization Theory and Behavior
- PPA 506 Foundations in Nonprofit Administration
- PPA 532 Grant Writing
- PPA 533 Nonprofit Fundraising Essentials
Selected Publications
- Kline, A., & Dolamore, S. (2023). Organizational Culture and Social Equity: An Experiential Guide. Routledge.
- Johnson, D.S., & Kline, A., (2022). Exploring the Experiences of Women Faculty with Caregiving Responsibilities during the Onset of COVID-19. Public Integrity.
- Neal, S., Kline, A., Gherardi, M., & Olejarski, A. (2022). I’m only human: A new e-road to advancing social equity through a humanist approach to mentoring in public service. Review of Public Personnel Administration.
- Dolamore, S., Lovell, D., Collins, H., & Kline, A. (2021). Empathy as an Organizational Communication Tool in Times of Crisis. Administrative Theory & Praxis.
- McCandless, S., & Kline, A. (2020). Islamophobia in France: Using technology and outreach to advance social equity. In S. Gooden (Ed.), Nervous areas of government: Addressing inequities around the world. Routledge.
- Dolamore, S. & Kline, A. (2020). Strengthening community-based health and human services in the shadow of structural inequality: A critical case study of collective impact. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration.
- Kline, A., & Aristigueta, M.P. (2019). Ethical decision making. In C. Jurkiewicz (Ed.), Global corruption & ethics management. Rowman & Littlefield.
- Kline, A., & Dolamore, S. (2018). Understanding data-driven organizational culture: A case study of Family League of Baltimore. Journal of Technology in Human Services.
- Kline, A., & Aristigueta, M. P. (2017). Comparative public performance management systems. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Global encyclopedia of public administration, public policy, and governance (1-10). Springer International Publishing.
Research Interests
- Nonprofit organization administration, online education, nonprofit data use, and program evaluation.