Student Organizations
Students are encouraged to become active on campus to build their leadership skills, create networking opportunities, and develop long-lasting friendships. The College of Business and Public Management sponsors many organizations for a wide range of interests for students to get involved. Get connected with these clubs through Ram Connect and check out upcoming events.
Beta Gamma Sigma
Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) is The International Business Honor Society, and recognizes the outstanding achievement of students enrolled in business programs accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Membership into BGS is the highest scholastic honor a business student can attain. WCU inducted its first members into its BGS chapter in 2018.
Net Impact
WCU Net Impact is part of an international organization of business students and professionals who strive to create positive social and environmental change on campus, at work and in the community. WCU Net Impact is one of only 10 undergraduate chapters in Pennsylvania. The organization is open to all undergraduate business majors and other majors interested in business.
Phi Alpha Delta (Law Fraternity)
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International is a Pre-Law Chapter for undergraduate students on campus. It is comprised of students from across campus who are interested in attending law school or pursuing law-related careers. It offers programs to assist students in LSAT preparation as well as enhancing professional development opportunities.
Women In Business (WIB)
The Women in Business (WIB) club hopes to help members develop professionally and cultivate connections. Each member will learn the importance of leadership, community service, networking, and professional development. By engaging members, WIB hopes to empower, elevate, and promote students to build their best success story.
Accounting Society
The Accounting Society is for accounting students who are interested in more than just classroom knowledge as it helps students interact with others in the major and gain valuable skills necessary for their future careers. The Accounting Society is a great way to build basic knowledge of career opportunities, networking skills, and resume writing skills.
Beta Alpha Psi
Beta Alpha Psi is the honor organization for financial information students and professionals. Its primary objective is to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and professional excellence in the business information field, including promoting the study and practice of accounting, finance and information systems.
Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) is the worldwide association for accountants and financial professionals working in business. IMA is committed to helping members strengthen on-the-job skills, better manage organizations, and enhance their career. IMA meetings are held jointly with Accounting Society meetings.
National Association of Black Accountants (NABA)
National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) is dedicated to bridging the opportunity gap for black professionals in the accounting, finance and related business professions. NABA advances students, careers and the mission by providing educational opportunities, resources, and career connections to its student members.
Alpha Phi Sigma (Honor Society)
WCU houses the Nu Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, the National Criminal Justice Honor Society. Alpha Phi Sigma honors and promotes excellence, community service, leadership and unity. Nu Beta members participate in a number of educational and social activities throughout the semester including field trips, research presentations at conferences, and community service events.
Criminal Justice Student Association
The Criminal Justice Student Association (CJSA) is a chapter of the National American Criminal Justice Association - Lambda Alpha Epsilon. WCU's Chapter, Sigma Tau Omicron, sponsors guest speakers from professional agencies, arranges field trips to professional agencies and engages in community service projects. Students also have the opportunity to travel to regional and national conferences.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) on Campus is a student-led, student-run mental health club that tackles mental health issues on campus by raising mental health awareness with fairs, educating the campus community with presentations, supporting and connecting students, and advocating for mental health services and supports.
Economics and Finance Society
The Economics and Finance Society (EFS) is a student organization consisting of students interested in economics and finance matters. In addition to providing campus networking opportunities for students, the EFS members plan one field trip, usually either to the financial district in New York City or to a site in Washington, D.C., each year for students interested in a career on Wall Street.
Investment Group
The WCU Investment Group provides its members the experience of managing an investment portfolio. Through mutual interests, members will learn first-hand about financial markets and investing philosophies, while developing strong teamwork, public speaking, and analytical skills. This experience is facilitated through the fund’s periodic meetings, workshops, and guest speakers.
Omicron Delta Epsilon (ODE)
WCU sponsors the Alpha Epsilon Chapter of the Omicron Delta Epsilon International Honor Society for Economics (ODE). The primary objectives of the honor society is to recognize and honor scholastic achievement in economics and develop relationships between students and faculty on campus.
Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU)
Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU) is an international honor society in geography. Members of GTU have met academic requirements and share a background and interest in geography. GTU chapter activities support Geography knowledge and awareness. Our local chapter, the Gamma Eta Chapter, was founded on March 28, 1963.
Geography & Planning Club
The Geography and Planning Club engages in nature and the world's geography by taking field trips such as canoeing, hiking, going to different restaurants, and other types of field trips. As well as becoming connected to nature and our world, the club also has education opportunities such as attending local and international geography and planning conferences during the school year.
WCU Entrepreneurship Club - C.E.O.
The WCU Entrepreneurship Club aims to inspire, enlighten, and empower its members to be entrepreneurial and seek opportunity through enterprise creation. The Entrepreneurship Club's weekly meetings introduce student entrepreneurs to a variety of entrepreneurial concepts through workshops, guest speakers, chapter activities, presentations and conferences. In addition, members are also members of The Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (C.E.O.), a national organization with more than 250 collegiate chapters globally.
Pre-Law Society
The Pre-Law Society is an organization also open to all students, but may be of particular interest to those students aspiring to law school. The Society sponsors trips to law schools and an annual moot court competition.
Sigma Iota Epsilon
Sigma Iota Epsilon is the National Honorary and Professional Management Society. The organization strives to encourage and recognize academic excellence and promote cooperation between the academic and practical aspects of management.
WCU Human Resources Association
WCU’s Human Resources Association (WCUHRA) is a student-affiliated chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). WCUHRA provides opportunities for students interested in human resources to connect with other students and HR professionals in the region to learn more about the dynamic field of HR.
American Marketing Association (AMA)
AMA is a professional student networking and learning organization for marketing majors and anyone else interested in the field of marketing. The organization has guest speakers in the marketing profession come in and speak, presents internship and networking opportunities, holds professional workshops, goes on trips, and has socials that allow members to interact with new people.
Mu Kappa Tau (MKT)
Mu Kappa Tau (MKT) is a National Marketing Honors Society. MKT inducts the top 10% of juniors and the top 20% of seniors in their marketing classes. Students must also have a 3.25 grade point average or higher. In the spring of 2018, two marketing students saw the need in the marketing community for an organization supporting the top students in their marketing class, and Mu Kappa Tau came to fruition in the fall 2018.
Graduate Students of Public Administration Network (GSPAN)
Graduate Students of Public Administration Network (GSPAN) is a student organization with the primary purposes of building collaborative opportunities for West Chester students and alumni interested in the fields of public policy, public affairs, governance and public administration, to encourage community service and engaged learning and to create a sense of community.
Pi Alpha Alpha
Pi Alpha Alpha is the Global Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration. The purpose of Pi Alpha Alpha is to encourage and recognize outstanding scholarship and accomplishment in public affairs and administration. PAA membership identifies those with the highest performance levels in educational programs preparing them for public service careers.