Dr. Yingying Lyu

Lyu headshot

Title: Assistant Professor
Office Location: 525 BPM Center
E-mail: YLyu@wcupa.edu
Phone: 610-436-3396
Google Scholar Link: Dr. Yingying Lyu Profile


Dr. Yingying Lyu is an Assistant Professor of Planning in the Geography and Planning Department. She is also an associated researcher at the Harvard-China Project on Energy, Economy, and Environment based in the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 

Her research is primarily focused on health, aging, and sustainability. The central question driving her work is: how can we construct cities and communities that promote positive health outcomes for all people? As climate change exacerbates environmental and public health challenges, Dr. Lyu’ research underscores the critical intersections between built environment, health, and climate change. 

In her role as an educator, Dr. Lyu utilizes her research expertise to cultivate students’ analytical, technical, and evidence-based communication skills. By partnering with industry professionals and local leaders, she enriches her curriculum with real-world perspectives, inspiring students to strive for excellence and make meaningful contributions to their communities.


  • Doctor of Design, Harvard University

Recent Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals

  • Forsyth, A. & Lyu, Y. (2024). Making communities age-friendly: Lessons from implemented programs. Journal of Planning Literature, 39(1), 3-24. https://doi.org/10.1177/08854122231160796 
  • Lyu, Y., & Forsyth, A. (2024). Technological devices to help older people beyond the home: An inventory and assessment focusing on the neighborhood and city scales. Cities & Health, 8(1), 91–106. https://doi.org/10.1080/23748834.2022.2094884
  • Lyu, Y., & Forsyth, A. (2022). Planning, aging, and loneliness: Reviewing evidence about built environment effects. Journal of Planning Literature, 37(1), 28–48. https://doi.org/10.1177/08854122211035131
  • Lyu, Y., Forsyth, A. & Worthington, S. (2021). Built environment and self-rated health: comparing young, middle-aged, and older people in Chengdu, China. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 14(3), 229–246. https://doi.org/10.1177/1937586720982566
  • Lyu, Y. & Forsyth, A. (2021). Attitudes, perceptions, and walking behavior in a Chinese city. Journal of Transport & Health, 21, 101047. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jth.2021.101047

Classes Regularly Taught

  • PLN 405/605 Planning and Design Studio B
  • GEO 104 Introduction to Geospatial Technology and Analytics
  • GEO 200 Global Cities
  • GEO 324 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems