North Campus Garden

vegetables from north campus

About the North Campus Garden:

  • Dedicated on April 21st, 2009 the North Campus learning garden was designed to engage students, faculty and guests in appreciating the native plant and wildlife of Chester County. Plantings such as red chokeberry, joe pye weed, hyssop, berry bushes, and many others draw in songbirds (and squirrels) to the feeder watch site. Art classes use the area for inspiration and environmental studies students are often there as well.
  • The garden is maintained by student interns, work-study students, and volunteers under the supervision of Dr. Cassie Striblen.
  • The outdoor classroom was expanded to include a vegetable and herb garden managed by faculty, staff, student interns, and volunteers.
  • Location: Behind Merion Science Center and Planetarium
  • Get Involved: Below you will find the open volunteer hours offered at our North Campus location. Questions, email  In cases of inclement weather, volunteer hours will be cancelled.

Summer 2024 Volunteer Hours:

If you're interested in volunteering this summer, reach out to Dr. Cassie Striblen to set up a time.

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