Class Notes
Six WCU alumni visited Dublin, Ireland, in April 2024 for the Intellenet Conference (L-R): Eric De Van ’88, Michael Gallela ’21, Margaret Hunt ’88, Jeffrey Friedman ’94, Laura Taylor ’90, and Jeffrey Stein ’91.
Iris Gray Dowling '56, M'66 published a family history book titled Days Gone By (Life in 1930s and 1940s) at the end of 2023. It is full of old pictures and takes place in southern Chester County where the Cochrans, Dowling’s family ancestors, established Cochranville and continues near the town of Cream, PA.
JLawrence A. Dowdy ’73, M’80 was honored with the inaugural Larry Dowdy Community Service Award by The Society at WCU.
Kenneth D. Sherry ’83 has been recognized as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Academy of Physician Assistants. Sherry practices in the surgery department at St. Luke’s Miners Campus in Coaldale, PA.
Rafael Orozco M’91 was named a Louisiana State University Rainmaker by the LSU Council on Research. Orozco was selected as a senior scholar in Arts, Humanities, Social & Behavioral sciences. The awards recognize sustained work with high impact on the academic community and beyond, often in alignment with LSU’s Scholarship First Agenda to elevate lives.
Ina B. Hurst ’94, MSW, LSW, is the administrative deputy director of Chester County’s Department of Human Services.
Nicole C. Barkley-Jones, Esq. ’99 was honored with the Drum Major for Justice Award by The Society at WCU.
Danielle C. Corrao ’08, M’13 shared her dissertation work at the University of Limerick in Ireland. Corrao spoke to fellow students and professors from both the United States and Ireland about how librarians may influence the ethical use of artificially intelligent writing tools such as ChatGPT.
Lauren (Hower) Nehra ’08 was recently named one of VISTA Today’s Millennial Superstars, celebrating Chester County’s next generation of leaders.
James J. McGurl, III ’09, M’11 and Peter Pijanowski M’11 have successfully launched the podcast “Brutal Dudes.” In July 2023, they reached more than 100 episodes and 300,000 downloads per week.
Milena (Oberti) Lanz M’13 was honored with the Drum Major for Justice Award by The Society at WCU.
Zachary C. Wooten ’14 received the WCU Civility Award at the 30th Annual MLK Jr. Brunch. Presented annually, the Civility Award is given to an individual, office, or department nominated for exemplary behavior reflective of civility, community impact, commitment to student success, and collegiality. Wooten also recently became a tenured faculty member in the Honors College and has been promoted to associate professor.
Abigail Fischer M’15 recently co-authored the children’s book A Kids Book About Foster Families.
Jacqueline Bailey-Davis D’19 made history as she was unanimously appointed as Norristown’s first female Chief of Police in January 2024. Dr. Bailey-Davis, a proud Philadelphian, served 26 years in the Philadelphia Police Department prior to her tenure in Norristown. She rose through the rank and file from the position of police officer to police inspector. Bailey-Davis has received local, national, and international recognition and commendations for her committed and distinguished service in community policing, police reform, and academia.
Kyle Dutch ’20 joined Melick & Porter, LLP as an associate attorney in their Boston office.
Alaina (Sforza) Kearney M’20 hosts a podcast with Barsz Gowie Amon & Fultz, a full-service accounting firm with offices in Media, Delaware County, and Chadds Ford, Chester County, and launched season two of their leadership podcast, “Follow Our Lead with Alaina Kearney.” Their first guest was Kenneth J. Braithwaite, former ambassador to Norway and the 77th Secretary of the United States Navy.
Theresa Spencer M’21 was hired as director of marketing for the African American Museum in Philadelphia (AAMP), the first institution funded and built by a major municipality to preserve, interpret, and exhibit the heritage of African Americans.
Future Alumni
Thomas Wandling and Lauren (Bolden) Wandling ’12, M’14 welcomed Oliver Louis in September 2023.
Bryan Ursillo ’18 and Caitlyn (Conroy) Ursillo ’18 welcomed Bryson Ursillo in February 2024.
In Memoriam
1948 Jacqueline Farra Slauch
1957 Mary Ann Stohler
1959 Betty A. Haws
1967 Anne G. Bartow
Contact the Office of Alumni Engagement with a copy of the decedent’s obituary from
a newspaper or the internet, or a copy of a letter or email from a family member of
the deceased. Please note: Death notifications will not be accepted via telephone.
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SUBMIT your class notes to the Office of Alumni Engagement at alumni@wcufoundation.org.


A Message from the
Alumni Association President
Ihope you all are enjoying a wonderful summer! As your newly elected WCU Alumni Association president, I am honored to serve such a distinguished group of individuals who continue to contribute so much to our students and the community.
Our alma mater has given us invaluable experiences, lifelong friendships, and a solid foundation for our careers. As we move forward, I am excited to build on this legacy by fostering stronger connections among us and supporting the next generation of students.
This year, we will focus on enhancing our alumni network through a series of initiatives aimed at professional development, community service, and social engagement. Over the next few months, we will work together to strengthen mentorship opportunities, host networking events, and expand our online presence to ensure every member can stay connected no matter where they are in the world!
I encourage each of you to get involved — whether you attend an event, volunteer your time, or simply update your contact information, your participation is crucial to the vitality of the association. For more information on upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, visit www.wcualumni. org. Together, we can expand upon our vibrant and supportive alumni community!
Thank you for your continued support, donations, and dedication to WCU. I look forward to seeing you all at Homecoming & Family Weekend on October 25–27, 2024.
Rams Up!
With gratitude,
Devynn T. Gray ’19, M’20
President, WCU Alumni Association
Congratulations to our newest alumni! We’re excited to add you to our global network of more than 130,000 Golden Rams! You’re a Ram for Life and we welcome you into the WCU Alumni Association!
As this network grows, we will continue to enhance our alumni engagement opportunities and provide resources that keep you and all Golden Rams connected to WCU.
We had a great time hosting our alumni and friends throughout the season with our Summer Series of events and are looking forward to celebrating back on campus in September for Homecoming and Family Weekend, October 25–27.
Are you a WCU graduate looking to get involved and network with your fellow Golden Rams? Be sure to check out our new opportunities available through Alumni Networks. For more information on specific networks and how you can get involved, visit our website.
More from the Summer 2024 Issue
Sustainable Roots
WCU's commitment to environmentalism
GNA Forest Fest Wins
Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence
Mellon Foundation
Funds Women’s and Gender Studies Collection
Aurelio Peter Ojeda ’80
Evelyn Anderson ’08, M’09, M’17, D’23
Devin Arne
Alexander Conzaman