About SFI
Student Feedback on Instructor Surveys (SFI) play a crucial role in enhancing teaching and learning at West Chester University. Instructors highly appreciate students' candid and valuable input, which the University utilizes to enhance courses and the educational experience as a whole.
To alleviate the cumbersome manual burden of its existing paper SFI process, West Chester University, in collaboration with faculty, competitively sourced a comprehensive course evaluation system and selected the Explorance "Blue" cloud platform to conduct evaluations for teaching effectiveness for the University.
In Spring of 2024, all Student Ratings of Instructor surveys will be online.
The electronic administration of SFI will save time for faculty, students, and staff. Nothing about the SFI survey instrument is changing. The questions will be the same. The only substantive change is the administration method which will be paperless, environmentally sustainable, and easy-to-manage.
System Test Fall 2023
We are conducting a limited system test (pilot) during fall semester 2023 to ensure
that the technology for delivering SFI electronically will work seamlessly when implemented
for all SFI for spring 2024 semester.
Student feedback on instructor surveys play a crucial role in enhancing teaching and learning at West Chester University. Instructors highly appreciate students' candid and valuable input, which the University utilizes to enhance courses and the educational experience as a whole.
To alleviate the cumbersome manual burden of its existing paper process, West Chester University, in collaboration with faculty, competitively sourced a comprehensive system and selected the Explorance "Blue" cloud platform to conduct student feedback on instructor surveys for teaching effectiveness for the University.
All Student Feedback on Instructor surveys are conducted online.
The electronic administration of Student Feedback on Instructor surveys will save time for faculty, students, and staff. Nothing about the survey instrument is changing. The questions will be the same. The only substantive change is the administration method which will be paperless, environmentally sustainable, and easy-to-manage.