Information for Faculty

A paperless Student Feedback on Instructor survey process was approved by APSCUF's Department Representative Council in 2022 and agreed to by the administration and APSCUF at Meet and Discuss. The software (Explorance Blue) was procured through a competitive bid process in collaboration with faculty in Spring 2023. The electronic administration of Student Feedback on Instructor surveys saves time for faculty, students, and staff. 

Nothing about the Student Feedback on Instructor process has changed other than we no longer use paper. The questions are the same. The results reports are available in the online system (Explorance Blue) in PDF format and available for download. The only substantive change is the administration method which is paperless, environmentally sustainable, and easy-to-manage.

Feature Highlights

The new online platform has many new features such as:

  • Real Time Response Rate Tracking
  • Automated Communications (email invitation and reminders to students, email notifications to faculty when administration starts and when reports are ready)
  • Automated Reports
  • Integration with D2L (links on the D2L home page and reminder pop-ups)
  • Single Sign On (with your login)