University Enrollment



These are unduplicated headcounts as of the official fall or spring census date.  Each student is counted one time under his or her primary major only.  (Ex.: A student with a primary major in Economics, a secondary major in Finance, and a minor in Accounting would only be counted once, in the Economics headcount numbers, since Economics is the student's primary major).

Spring 2025 Headcount by Major - Updated March 2025

Fall Headcount Enrollment by Program, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and Full-Time Status (*Updated Mar. 2025)

This is an unduplicated headcount as of the fall census date. Each student is counted one time under his or her primary major only.

year year year
2023 2022 2021
2020 2019 2018
2017 2016 2015
2014 2013 2012
2011 2010 2009
2008 2007 2006
2005 2004 2003


Spring Headcount Enrollment by Program, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity (*Updated Feb. 2024)

This is an unduplicated headcount as of the spring census date.  Each student is counted one time under his or her primary major only.

year year year
  2024 2023
2022 2021 2020
2019 2018 2017
2016 2015 2014
2013 2012 2011
2010 2009  


Fall Historic Headcount by Academic Plan

This is an unduplicated headcount as of the fall census date. Each student is counted one time under his or her primary major only.


Major Counts (including Minors)

These are counts of all majors and minors as of the official fall or spring census date and these are not unduplicated headcounts. Students with multiple majors/minors are counted in each major/minor under which they are enrolled (Ex.: A student with a primary major in Early Grades Prep, a secondary major in Special Education, and a minor in Spanish would be counted three times; once for each academic plan).


FTES - Full-time Equivalent Student

FTES are calculated by aggregating the course credit hours and then dividing by the number of credits that represent full-time for each population.

Fall FTES and Course Credit Hours - Fall semesters only

Undergraduate FTES are calculated using the total UGRD course credit hours (CCH) and dividing by 15.  Graduate FTES are calculated using the total GRAD course credit hours (CCH) and dividing by 12.  Course credits and the FTES generated are calculated at the course level (UG Lower, UG Upper, and Graduate) regardless of the level of the student enrolled in the course.  Withdrawn credits are included in the count.

Historic Fall FTES and Course Credit Hours  (Updated September 2023) *This is not the unduplicated IPEDS FTES

Annual FTES and Course Credit Hours - July 1st through June 30th

Undergraduate FTES are calculated using the total UGRD course credit hours (CCH) and dividing by 30. Graduate FTES are calculated using the total GRAD course credit hours (CCH) and dividing by 24. Course credits and the FTES generated are calculated at the course level (UG Lower, UG Upper, and Graduate) regardless of the level of the student enrolled in the course. Withdrawn credits are included in the count

Historic Annual FTES and Course Credit Hours  (Updated Aug. 2024) *This is not the unduplicated IPEDS FTES