The Biota of the Gordon Natural Area - Slime Molds
Research into the myxomycetes (aka, slime molds) of the GNA has been relatively informal and consists of GNA staff photographing, identifying, and documenting the slime molds that they encounter at the Gordon. Most often, these activities have taken place in conjunction with the staff undertaking other tasks.
The cataloging of slime molds began in 2017 with GNA Stewardship Manager Nur Ritter and GNA Student Intern Alexandra Hodowanec. This work has continued since that time with other student interns—principally Paige Vermeulen, Maribeth Beatty, and Ariana Rivellini—being very involved in this research. Data have also been compiled from a few photos of GNA slime molds in the Gordon that were posted to Facebook and to iNaturalist.
Currently, the GNA slime mold checklist contains 38 species in 19 genera, 12 families, and 6 orders. Many slime molds are extremely small and difficult to notice. Additionally, timing (i.e., luck) plays a significant role in whether or not a particular ‘occurrence’ is observed, as the fertile form can be quite short-lived. Nevertheless, given the high level of interest in slime molds among the GNA staff, we anticipate encountering many additional species as we continue with this work.
You can explore the slime mold checklist below, or you can access a pdf copy of the checklist (without photos)
Physarales Indet. #1. (No Common Name)
Group: Slime Molds
Common Name: No Common Name
Year Noted: 2019
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Growing on unidentified bryophytes. To date, the only occurrence noted in the Gordon.
iNaturalist Observations:
41223661 (Observed: 5/22/2019)
Brefeldia maxima (Tapioca Slime)
Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (White-fingered Slime Mold)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Ceratiomyxidae
Common Name: White-fingered Slime Mold
Synonyms: Ceratiomyxa arbuscula
Years Noted: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023
Identified and First Noted By: Alexandra Hodowanec
Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Paige Vermeulen; Maribeth Beatty; Noah Long
Seemingly, the most common and abundant slime mold at the GNA.
iNaturalist Observations:
51630165 (Observed: 7/1/2020)
49359244 (Observed: 6/12/2020)
44964376 (Observed: 7/11/2019)
42659768 (Observed: 6/3/2019)
81848505 (Observed: 6/4/2021)
82469331 (Observed: 6/10/2021)
92397124 (Observed: 8/24/2021)
96377720 (Observed: 9/21/2021)
173975652 (Observed: 7/20/2023)
189813784 (Observed: 8/12/2023)
Ceratiomyxa porioides (Honeycomb Coral Slime Mold)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Ceratiomyxidae
Common Names: Honeycomb Coral Slime Mold; Coral Slime
Synonyms: Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa var. porioides
Years Noted: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Alexandra Hodowanec; Paige Vermeulen; Maribeth Beatty; Noah Long
iNaturalist Observations:
49358677 (Observed: 6/12/2020)
42659861 (Observed: 6/3/2019)
83178273 (Observed: 6/14/2021)
92397508 (Observed: 8/24/2021)
121916065 (Observed: 6/15/2022)
Cribraria Indet. #1. (No Common Name)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Cribrariidae
Common Name: No Common Name
Year Noted: 2019
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Note: The white covering on some of the sporangia is Nectriopsis rexiana, a myxomyceticolous fungus: i.e., a fungus that parasitizes slime molds.
iNaturalist Observations:
40253150 (Observed: 7/10/2019)
Cribraria Indet. #2. (No Common Name)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Cribrariidae
Common Name: No Common Name
Year Noted: 2020
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Note: The white covering on some of the sporangia is Nectriopsis rexiana, a myxomyceticolous fungus (i.e., a fungus that parasitizes slime molds).
iNaturalist Observations:
56625992 (Observed: 8/14/2020)
Didymium Indet. #1.
Lamproderma cf. violaceum (No Common Name)
cf. Badhamia utricularis (Hanging Slime Mold)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Physaridae
Common Name: Hanging Slime Mold
Synonyms: Physarum utriculare
Year Noted: 2020
Identified By: romainclem (iNaturalist)
First Noted By: Nur Ritter
The identity of this species is a bit uncertain, owing to fully-developed material not having been noted.
iNaturalist Observations:
56450550 (Observed: 8/14/2020)
Badhamia polycephala (Many-headed Slime)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Physaridae
Common Name: Many-headed Slime
Synonyms: Physarum polycephalum
Year Noted: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2023
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: ; Paige Vermeulen
iNaturalist Observations:
186148703 (Observed: 10/4/2023)
186153417 (Observed: 9/29/2023)
Fuligo septica (Dog Vomit Slime Mold)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Physaridae
Common Names: Dog Vomit Slime Mold; Scrambled Egg Slim Mold
Synonyms: Fuligo candida; Fuligo septica var. candida; Fuligo septica var. rufa; Fuligo violacea
Years Noted: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023
Identified and First Noted By: Alexandra Hodowanec
Also Noted By: Nur Ritter; Maribeth Beatty; Jessica Schedlbauer; Brice Dowart; Noah Long; Miranda Davies; Kathryn Krueger
The appearance is a good fit for the common name.
iNaturalist Observations:
56786244 (Observed: 8/17/2020)
49872304 (Observed: 6/16/2020)
80800963 (Observed: 5/28/2021)
121755107 (Observed: 6/14/2022)
Nannengaella leucopus (Big Blue Marble Slime)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Physaridae
Common Name: Big Blue Marble Slime*
Synonyms: Didymium leucopus; Physarum leucopus
Year Noted: 2020
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
iNaturalist Observations:
54861899 (Observed: 7/30/2020)
Physarum album (No Common Name)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Physaridae
Common Name: No Common Name
Synonyms: Physarum nutans
Year Noted: 2021
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
iNaturalist Observations:
97944513 (Observed: 10/11/2021)
Physarum cf. didermoides (No Common Name)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Physaridae
Common Name: No Common Name
Year Noted: 2017
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Formerly placed in the Didymiaceae.
iNaturalist Observations:
69320029 (Observed: 2/9/2021)
Physarum globuliferum (No Common Name)
Physarum Indet. #1. (No Common Name)
Physarum Indet. #2. (No Common Name)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Physaridae
Common Name: No Common Name
Year Noted: 2019
Identified By: F. Speigel (photos on Facebook)
First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen
Growing on a decorticated area of a large, fallen Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera).
iNaturalist Observations:
36685229 (Observed: 6/21/2019)
Physarum virescens (Grijsgroen Kalkkopje - Netherlands)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Physaridae
Common Name: Grijsgroen Kalkkopje - Netherlands
Year Noted: 2021
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
iNaturalist Observations:
92610176 (Observed: 8/26/2021)
Lycogala epidendrum (Wolfs Milk Slime)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Reticulariidae
Common Names: Wolf's Milk Slime; Toothpaste Slime
Years Noted: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023; 2024
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Paige Vermeulen; Maribeth Beatty; Ariana Rivellini; A². Rivellini; Jared. Kline; Noah Long; D. Mandato; thymolblue; Miranda Davies; Kathryn Krueger
One of the most common slime molds at the GNA.
iNaturalist Observations:
64262611 (Observed: 11/5/2020)
55864998 (Observed: 8/8/2020)
41357588 (Observed: 11/29/2018)
81845942 (Observed: 6/4/2021)
62345747 (Observed: 10/11/2020)
97943695 (Observed: 10/11/2021)
121915576 (Observed: 6/15/2022)
34319519 (Observed: 10/13/2019)
Lycogala flavofuscum (Dark Yellow Lycogala)
Reticularia lycoperdon (Silver Hand)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Reticulariidae
Common Names: Silver Hand; False Puffball; White Cauliflower Slime Mold
Synonyms: Enteridium lycoperdon
Years Noted: 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Maribeth Beatty; Paige Vermeulen
iNaturalist Observations:
49870936 (Observed: 6/16/2020)
Reticularia splendens (Réticulaire Splendide)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Reticulariidae
Common Name: Réticulaire Splendide
Synonyms: Enteridium splendens
Years Noted: 2019; 2023
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Mary Teresa O'Hara
iNaturalist Observations:
42662108 (Observed: 5/30/2019)
Tubifera ferruginosa (Raspberry Slime Mold)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Reticulariidae
Common Name: Raspberry Slime Mold
Years Noted: 2012; 2013; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Will Ricci; Maribeth Beatty; Paige Vermeulen; Ariana Rivellini; Noah Long
Formerly placed in the Tubiferaceae.
iNaturalist Observations:
55849112 (Observed: 8/8/2020)
52817940 (Observed: 7/2/2020)
49359660 (Observed: 6/12/2020)
82596037 (Observed: 6/11/2021)
121916520 (Observed: 6/15/2022)
122997847 (Observed: 6/22/2022)
173978580 (Observed: 7/20/2023)
13315905 (Observed: 6/10/2018)
Stemonitis fusca (Chocolate Tube Slime)
Stemonitis Indet. #1. (Chocolate Tube Slime)
Symphytocarpus Indet. #1. (Hairbrush Slime Mold*)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Stemonitidae
Common Name: Hairbrush Slime Mold*
Year Noted: 2018
Identified By: Nur Ritter
First Noted By: Paige Vermeulen
Note: The common name was assigned by GNA Staff.
iNaturalist Observations:
41243026 (Observed: 11/9/2018)
Arcyria cinerea (White Carnival Candy Slime)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: White Carnival Candy Slime
Years Noted: 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Paige Vermeulen; Ariana Rivellini
iNaturalist Observations:
61202635 (Observed: 9/28/2020)
54865181 (Observed: 7/30/2020)
42808998 (Observed: 7/12/2019)
83676071 (Observed: 6/18/2021)
97884884 (Observed: 10/8/2021)
92399110 (Observed: 6/24/2021)
121920061 (Observed: 6/15/2022)
97885115 (Observed: 8/8/2021)
Arcyria denudata (Pink Carnival Candy Slime)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: Pink Carnival Candy Slime
Years Noted: 2018; 2020; 2021; 2023
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Noah Long
iNaturalist Observations:
57255499 (Observed: 8/20/2020)
54866377 (Observed: 7/30/2020)
69992430 (Observed: 7/27/2018)
83638881 (Observed: 6/18/2021)
96386122 (Observed: 9/21/2021)
Arcyria pomiformis (Golden Apple Slime Mold)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: Golden Apple Slime Mold
Year Noted: 2020
Identified By: Edvin Johannesen (from photo on Facebook)
First Noted By: Nur Ritter
iNaturalist Observations:
54868493 (Observed: 7/30/2020)
Hemitrichia calyculata (Yellow-fuzz Slime Mold)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: Yellow-fuzz Slime Mold
Year Noted: 2019
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
iNaturalist Observations:
39936035 (Observed: 9/4/2019)
Hemitrichia clavata (Yellow Fuzz Cone-slime)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: Yellow Fuzz Cone-slime
Synonyms: Trichia clavata
Years Noted: 2019; 2022
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Alexandra Hodowanec
Hemitrichia Indet. #1.
Hemitrichia Indet. #2.
Hemitrichia serpula (Pretzel Slime)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: Pretzel Slime
Years Noted: 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Ariana Rivellini; Paige Vermeulen; Kathryn Krueger
iNaturalist Observations:
63332435 (Observed: 10/23/2020)
88177853 (Observed: 7/22/2021)
Metatrichia cf. floriformis (Kukkatakkunen: Finland)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: Kukkatakkunen: Finland
Synonyms: Craterium floriforme; Trichia floriformis
Year Noted: 2018
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Paige Vermeulen
Note: This material is presumed to be this species, but there is some uncertainty even about the identification of the genus.
Metatrichia vesparium (Wasps Nest Slime Mold)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: Wasp's Nest Slime Mold
Synonyms: Hemitrichia vesparium
Years Noted: 2018; 2019; 2020; 2022; 2023
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Paige Vermeulen; Maribeth Beatty; Ariana Rivellini
iNaturalist Observations:
66020894 (Observed: 12/2/2020)
56782348 (Observed: 8/17/2020)
108259061 (Observed: 3/8/2022)
Perichaena depressa (Flagstone Slime Mold*)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: Flagstone Slime Mold*
Years Noted: 2018; 2019
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
iNaturalist Observations:
42794209 (Observed: 11/29/2018)
Perichaena Indet 1 (No Common Name)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: No Common Name
Year Noted: 2021
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
iNaturalist Observations:
93029560 (Observed: 8/29/2021)
Trichia cf. decipiens (No Common Name)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: No Common Name
Synonyms: Trichia decipiens
Year Noted: 2019
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Trichia favoginea (Yellow Egg-shaped Slime Mold)
Trichia scabra (Saffron Soldiers*)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Names: Saffron Soldiers*; Vlasatka Drsná (Czech); Safranullkule (Norwegian)
Years Noted: 2018; 2019
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
Also Noted By: Ariana Rivellini
iNaturalist Observations:
66310085 (Observed: 12/8/2020)
Trichia varia (No Common Name)
Group: Slime Molds
Family: Trichiidae
Common Name: No Common Name
Year Noted: 2018
Identified and First Noted By: Nur Ritter
iNaturalist Observations:
41357443 (Observed: 11/21/2018)