RamNet ID: What You Need to Know
West Chester University is transitioning to RamNet ID, a new and improved way to securely access campus systems. This update will affect students, faculty, and staff. Here's everything you need to know about the change, why it's happening, and what it will replace.
What is RamNet ID?
RamNet ID will replace your old WCU ID as your campus ID number and Username. It will serve as the key to logging in to WCU supported tools and services, like email, RamPortal, D2L, and more, using a secure Single Sign-On (SSO) system. With SSO, you only need one set of credentials to access all your WCU accounts.
Why RamNet ID?
We are adopting a new Identity and Access Management (IAM) system to ensure we follow best practices used by other leading universities. This new system strengthens the security of WCU accounts, protecting personal and institutional data from unauthorized access. As cyber threats evolve, it's crucial that we stay ahead with the best technology.
How Will My Username and Email Change?
If you joined WCU before September 28, 2024:
- Your current 7-digit WCU ID will automatically become your new RamNet ID. This will serve as your Username followed by @wcupa.edu. For example, 0854321@wcupa.edu.
- Your Email will follow the format FLast###@wcupa.edu, where F is your first initial, Last is your last name, and ### are the last three digits of your RamNet ID. For example, John Doe (RamNet ID: 3654321) would be JDoe321@wcupa.edu.
If you join WCU on or after September 28, 2024:
- Congratulations! You already have your RamNet ID.
If you joined WCU before September 28, 2024:
- Your current 7-digit WCU ID will automatically become your new RamNet ID. This will serve as your Username followed by @wcupa.edu. For example, 0854321@wcupa.edu.
- Your WCU email address will not change.
If you join WCU on or after September 28, 2024:
- Congratulations! You already have your RamNet ID and email address.
Which systems require my RamNet ID Username?
You’ll use your RamNet ID Username to access all WCU systems that require Single Sign-On (SSO), including:
- Campus Email
- RamPortal
- D2L
- Zoom
- Microsoft Office 365
- Google Workspace
- ServiceNow
- Panopto
- Qualtrics
- RamPrint
- Many other college and departmental applications that use Single Sign On (SSO)
When will these changes take place?
The transition will occur over the course of the next year. Once this process is complete, students and employees will use RamNet ID to log in.
Terms and Definitions:
- Identity Access Management (IAM): A system that controls how WCU accounts are created and managed, ensuring secure access to campus systems and applications.
- RamNet ID: Your campus ID number. Previously referred to as WCU ID. New users will receive RamNet IDs generated by the new IAM system. Existing user’s WCU ID stay the same and will now be referred to as RamNet ID.
- WCU ID: The previous term used for campus ID number, now called RamNet ID.
- RamNet Username: The unique identifier assigned to a user that serves as the key to logging in to WCU-supported tools and services, like email, RamPortal, D2L, and more. For existing users, you will continue to use your existing username. For new users, your RamNet Username will have the following format: <RamNet ID>@wcupa.edu. For example: 3000050@wcupa.edu
- Campus Email (Primary): Your WCU email address in Outlook, used for official university communication. Existing users will continue to use their existing email address. New user’s (both student and employee) email address will have the following format: <FirstInitial><Lastname><last 3 digits of your RamNet ID>@wcupa.edu. For example: RChester050@wcupa.edu
- Single Sign-On (SSO): A login method that allows you to access multiple WCU services and systems using the same username and password, so you don’t need to remember separate logins for different tools.
- Email Alias: An email alias is an additional email address that routes messages to your campus email. It's also known as an alternate email address (for instance: if your last name changes when you get married).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why is RamNet ID replacing WCU ID?
In alignment with PASSHE governing decisions, West Chester University has retired myWCU (the PeopleSoft Student Information System) and transition to RamPortal (Ellucian’s Student Information System). As part of this shift, your WCU ID will be replaced by a RamNet ID, which will be integrated into the university's new Identity and Access Management (IAM) system.
Will my WCU email change?
For employees, the changes taking place will not affect your existing WCU email address.
For students, your email address will change to the new format.
How will my email be displayed?
The changes taking place over the next year will not affect the functionality of your existing WCU email address. However, you may notice slight differences in how your email is displayed across various systems:
Do I need a new RamCard?
No, your RamCard will not change, and there is no need to get a new one.
What happens next?
Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the transition period. You can check the FAQ section and support resources on this website for updates. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the WCU IS&T Help Desk for further assistance.