Jeremy Brazas 

Jeremy Brazas Image

Associate Professor

Office: UNA 111
Phone: 610-436-2054 
Fax: 610-738-0578




  • Ph.D. University of New Hampshire, 2011

Research Interests

  • Algebraic Topology
  • General Topology


In 2011, I received my Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of New Hampshire under the advisement of Dr. Maria Basterra where I studied algebraic topology. In my dissertation, I studied natural topologies on homotopy groups and their connections to topological group theory.

From 2011-2012, I held the position of Lecturer at the University of New Hampshire. From 2012-2017, I held the position of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA. During my time at Georgia State

  • I was a Faculty Teaching Fellow (2016-2017),
  • I received the GSU Outstanding Math & Stats Teaching Award (2017),
  • I received the Mathematical Association of America Southeastern Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning Faculty Member (March 2017).

From August 2017 - July 2021, I was an Assistant Professor at West Chester University.

Since August 2021, I am an Associate Professor at West Chester University.

Outside of mathematics, I am a long-time practitioner of yoga and certified yoga teacher. I also enjoy running, hiking, biking, and science fiction.

My Research

My research is in the field of topology. Specifically, I study the algebraic topology of locally complicated spaces, sometimes called infinitary or wild algebraic topology since it is very much centered around the subtle relationship between the algebra of infinite product operations in homotopy groups and the local geometry of spaces. I also have interests in general topology and category theory.

For more on my research, visit My Research Page

I sporadically maintain a blog related to my research called Wild Topology which also has a growing Bestiary and Open Problem List.

Student Research: Undergraduate or graduate students who have taken topology or algebraic topology with me may discuss the potential for a research project in topology. Students who complete these research projects with me typically go on to further graduate study in mathematics.

My Teaching

My Spring 2023 Courses:

  • MAT 535 Algebraic Topology (Grad)
  • MAT  441 Real Analysis
  • MAT 331 Foundations of Geometry
  • MAT 131 Precalculus
  • For more teaching related content, visit My Teaching Page