Courses Tutored

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Accounting (ACC)
ACC 201 - Principles of Accounting I
ACC 202 - Principles of Accounting II

American Sign Language

American Sign Language (ASL)
ASL 101- Elementary American Sign Language I
ASL 102 - Elementary American Sign Language II
ASL 201 - Intermediate American Sign Language I
ASL 202 - Intermediate American Sign Language II
ASL 301 - Advanced American Sign Language I
ASL 302 - Advanced American Sign Language II


Biology (BIO)
BIO 100 - Basic Biological Science
BIO 110 - General Biology I
BIO 111- General Biology II
BIO 204- Introductory Microbiology 
BIO 210 - Genetics 
BIO 211 - Cell Biology
BIO 214- General Microbiology 
BIO 259 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIO 269 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIO 270 - Ecology


Chemistry (CHE)
CHE 102 - General Chemistry I with assistance
CHE 103 - General Chemistry I
CHE 104 - General Chemistry II
CHE 107 - General Chemistry for Allied Health Sciences
CHE 231 - Organic Chemistry I
CHE 232 - Organic Chemistry II

Computer Science

Computer Science (CSC)
CSC 110 - Fundamentals in Computer Science
CSC 112- Programming & Data Science 
CSC 115- Introduction to Computer Programming 
CSC 141- Computer Science I
CSC 142 - Computer Science II
CSC 220- Foundations of Computer Science 
CSC 231- Computer Systems 
CSC 240- Computer Science III 
CSC 241- Data Structures & Algorithms  
CSC - 402 Software Engineering

Communication Sciences
and Disorders (CSD)

Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD)
CSD 101- Introduction to Communicative Disorders 
CSD 106 - Anatomy of Speech and Hearing Mechanisms
CSD 110 - American Sign Language I
CSD 111 - American Sign Language II
CSD 203- Speech and Hearing Science 
CSD 207- Introduction to Phonetics 
CSD 208 - Neurology of Speech & Hearing
CSD 211 - Intermediate American Sign Language II


Economics (ECO)
ECO 111 - Principles of Economics (Macro)
ECO 112 - Principles of Economics (Micro)
ECO 251 - Business Analytics I
ECO 340 - Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 351 - Business Analytics II
Earth and Space Sciences (ESS)
ESS 101 - Introduction to Geology
ESS 102 - Humans and the Environment



Finance (FIN)
FIN  325- Corporate Finance 


French (FRE)
FRE 101 - Elementary French I (Traditional)
FRE 102 - Elementary French II (Traditional)
FRE 201 - Intermediate French I (Traditional)
FRE 202 - Intermediate French II (Traditional)

Geography and
Planning (GEO)

Geography and Planning (GEO)
GEO 101 - World Geography
GEO 103 - Human Geography
GEO 104 - Introduction to Geospatial Technology and Analytics


German (GER)
GER 101 - Elementary German I
GER 102 - Elementary German II
GER 201 - Intermediate German I
GER 202 - Intermediate German II


History (HIS)
HIS 100 - Contemporary Global History
HIS 101 - History of Civilization I
HIS 102 - History of Civilization II
HIS 150 - The American Experience
HIS 151 - History of the United States I
HIS 152 - History of the United States II


Mathematics (MAT)
MAT Q30 - Fundamentals of Algebra
MAT 101 - Mathematics for Teachers of Children I
MAT 102 - Mathematics for Teachers of Children II
MAT 103 - Introduction to Mathematics
MAT 104 - Introduction to Applied Mathematics
MAT 113 - Algebra and Functions
MAT 115 - Algebra, Functions, and Trigonometry
MAT 121 - Introduction to Statistics I
MAT 125- Introduction to Statistics and Probability 
MAT 131- Precalculus 
MAT 143 - Brief Calculus
MAT 145 - Calculus for the Life Sciences
MAT 151 - Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
MAT 161 - Calculus I
MAT 162 - Calculus II
MAT 200 - The Nature of Mathematics
MAT 261- Calculus III 

Music History

Music History (MHL)
MHL 125 - Perspectives in Jazz
MHL 180 - Global Soundscapes: Music, History, and Society
MHL 210 - Music History I
MHL 211 - Music History II
MHL 210 - Music History III
MHL 280 - Western Art Music I
MHL 325 - History of Rock
MHL 380 - Western Art Music II

Music Theory and
Composition (MTC)

Music Theory and Composition (MTC)
MTC 112 - Theory of Music I
MTC 113 - Theory of Music II
MTC 114 - Aural Activities I
MTC 115 - Aural Activities II
MTC 212 - Theory of Music III
MTC 214 - Aural Activities III
MTC 215 - Aural Activities IV


Philosophy (PHI)
PHI 101 - Introduction to Philosophy
PHI 180 - Introduction to Ethics

Physics and
Pre-Engineering (PHY)

Physics and Pre-Engineering (PHY)
PHY 100 - Elements of Physical Science
PHY 130 - General Physics I
PHY 140 - General Physics II
PHY 170 - Physics I
PHY 180 - Physics II

Political Science

Political Science (PSC)
PSC 100 - United States Government and Politics
PSC 101 - Politics of Diversity in the U.S.
PSC 200 - Political Analysis
PSC 213 - International Relations


Psychology (PSY)
PSY 100 - Introduction to Psychology
PSY 120 - Multicultural Psychology
PSY 245 - Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
PSY 246 - Research Methods in Psychology


Spanish (SPA)
SPA 101 - Elementary Spanish I
SPA 102 - Elementary Spanish II
SPA 201 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 202 - Intermediate Spanish II
SPA 301 - Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition
SPA 302 - Advanced Spanish Grammar and Conversation
Public Speaking (SPK)
SPK 208 - Public Speaking



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