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WCU’s Free Online Tutoring with Tutor.com – Anytime, Anywhere!

Need a boost with your studies? West Chester University now offers free, 24/7 online tutoring through Tutor.com! Access top-notch tutors from the comfort of your dorm, the library, or even your couch. Get personalized support anytime you need, at no cost to you!

Quick, Easy, and Free – How It Works:

  1. Log in to D2L.
  2. Click the “Resources” tab in any course page.
  3. Select Tutor.com and choose from a variety of subjects!
Basic Math
Gen. Chemistry
Intro. Finance
Intro. to Human A&P
Liberal Arts Math
Organic Chemistry


Why Choose Tutor.com?

Advantage of Tutor.com

Tutor.com offers flexible, virtual tutoring that supports WCU students in developing effective learning and problem-solving strategies for classroom success. Adding Tutor.com to LARC’s in-person services ensures that students can access tutoring support from any location with internet access..

Tutor.com is ideal for…                                                 

  • students who have not been able to take advantage of the LARC’s "in-person" tutoring because of commuting and/or scheduling conflicts
  • athletes
  • commuter students
  • non-traditional students
  • working students

Tutor.com provides students the flexibility and freedom to use tutoring services at their own pace, in their own timeframe, and in a variety of locations.

For more information, or to schedule a class presentation or demo, please contact us at LARC@wcupa.edu.

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