Attention transfer students for fall 2023:

To schedule courses for the fall semester, please contact your major/department to schedule an advising meeting. You can find the department contact information by searching for the major on the WCU homepage.  


Transfer Students

Who is my advisor and how do I schedule an appointment?

  • Your advisor's name appears on your Ramportal In addition to your faculty advisor, you can also consult with your College Student Success Coordinator. Make appointments to ask them about scheduling, policies, and campus resources.

In what ways can my advisor assist me?

  • Employment Opportunities
  • Internships
  • Adding/Dropping courses
  • University issues and policies
  • Personal and academic concerns


Credits and Major Related Information

How will my credits transfer into WCU?

  • Use the Transfer Equivalency Tool to find your previous institution and review how your courses could be transferred into WCU. The online Transfer Credit Center is a tool to help you begin to understand how your credits may transfer to WCU. This list is neither an official determination nor a guarantee of transfer credit equivalencies.  The transfer of credits is contingent upon compliance with WCU policies and procedures.

Can I switch my major after being accepted?

  • Contact the Admission’s Office to see if your desired major will accept you before the start of the term. If you are looking to switch your major, you can always change your major into Exploratory Studies.  Advisors in Exploratory Studies will assist you with your course selection and help you navigate into your desired major.

Where can I find the four-year plan for my major?

Looking for advising materials for your major? Check out our comprehensive list. You’ll be directed to department websites where you may find a four-year plan, advising guide, or handbook.  You will also find links to the academic catalog for each major.

Grade Types and Calculations

  • Check out the Registrar’s website to learn more about grade types and what they mean!
  • Do you want to calculate your GPA? Enter your previous grades earned and predict future grades to see how the current grades will impact your cumulative GPA.


Additional Resources for Transfer Students

What additional resources are made available for transfer students?