Get ready for the fastest moving, hardest working, most amazing years of your life.
It’s time to grab your future by the horns as a Golden Ram!
Visa & Immigration
The Global Engagement Office website guides newly admitted international students through the visa application process, arriving at WCU, and much more to help prepare for studies.
Become a Golden Ram!
Secure your spot and pay your admissions deposit online.

International FAQs
Transfer students - want to review your transfer credits?
The evaluation of your transfer credits takes place through the Office of the Registrar. You should receive an email within 14 days of your admissions decision that details your transferable credit. You can review our transfer credit equivalency database.
Want to change your major or housing status before enrolling?
Please refer to your admissions portal for information on making these changes. If you are unsure how to do this, please contact the Office of Admissions at ugadmiss@wcupa.edu.
Have you already paid your deposit?
Ready to register for class?
New first year students are block scheduled by the department prior to the start of the semester. New transfer students are required to meet with an academic advisor prior to registering for their first semester. Contact your academic department as per the department list provided on your admissions portal in order to schedule your advising appointment.
Are you planning to live on campus?
Once your deposit has been paid and you have created your Ramportal account, please ensure you check your WCU email regularly for housing information and updates.
Are you planning to commute to campus?
Learn more about Off Campus and Commuter support online.
End of the semester?
If you are an incoming first year or transfer student currently studying outside the US, please arrange for your final grades to be evaluated by the credential evaluation company you used for the initial application process. If you are studying in the US, please arrange for an official final transcript to be sent by your current institution.
What about orientation?
All international students who hold an F-1 student visa must complete Orientation prior to the start of their first semester at WCU. International Student Orientation information will be provided to students by the Global Engagement Office prior to the start of classes.
Experience WCU
There are many ways to learn more about what makes West Chester University unique. Take our virtual tour, register for an in-person tour, or schedule a one-on-one meeting with Admissions.