Accidents & Assistance
Contact | Phone: 610-436-2434
If you need assistance, please call the Motor Pool office at 610-436-2434. After hours, weekends and university observed holidays call Public Safety at 610-436-3311 where a Public Safety Dispatcher will connect you with a Motor Pool employee.
In Case of a Vehicle Breakdown
As soon as possible contact the Motor Pool Office. If the vehicle cannot be operated safely, Motor Pool staff will arrange for the repair and/or removal of the vehicle. If the vehicle can be legally and safely driven, take it directly to the WCU Motor Pool Maintenance Garage. If the vehicle cannot be operated and Motor Pool staff are not available, contact Public Safety at 610-436-3311.
Accident / Damage Reporting
In the event of an accident or damage to a WCU-owned vehicle, the employee operating the vehicle should take the following steps and complete all forms located in the Accident Report Packet.
ALL accidents or damage to WCU-owned vehicles require a STD-541 Form to be filled out by operator and turned into the Motor Pool Office within 24 hours of the incident.

- Render First Aid and call an ambulance as needed.
- Contact Local or State Police and request an Accident Report to be filed. If a vehicle
is struck and damaged while unattended, the Local Police should be notified.
- Note: for purposes of safety and loss risk analyses, this is required for all accidents involving Commonwealth vehicles. The State Police will either investigate the accident or refer it to a local police department.
- Take pictures of damage/scene.
- Contact the Motor Pool Office | 610-436-2434
- If vehicle is struck while unattended, contact local Police and fill out an STD-541 Form.
- IMPORTANT: DO NOT discuss the accident or any implication of fault.
- Except with the police, the WCU Motor Pool Office or other authorized Commonwealth personnel.
- License numbers of all vehicles involved.
- Names of involved parties & contact information.
- Witness names & contact information.
- STD-541 Form (Automobile Accident or Loss Notice).
- Copies of this form are in the Accident Report Packet located in the glove compartment of each WCU-owned vehicle. Additional copies can be found on the website or obtained at the Motor Pool Office.
TURN INTO MOTOR POOL OFFICE (Within 24 hours of incident):
- Accident Report (if Police were called to scene).
- STD-541 Form – Required for ALL accidents/damage to WCU-owned vehicles.
- Pictures of accident/damage.