Michael Burns
Associate Professor; Department Chair
Main Hall 531
- Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
- African American Rhetorics
- Composition and Rhetoric
- Rhetoric and the Built Environment
- Teaching Non-traditional College Students
- Co-Author (with Yanira Rodríguez, Sophia Sunshine Vilceus, Laquana Cooke, Emily Aguiló-Peréz, Sherri Craig, Jason Vanfosson, Tim Dougherty, and Ben Kuebrich), “Foolery, Refusal and Possibility: On Labor Relationalities at Predominantly White Institutions.” In The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics 4.2, Winter 2021. (http://journalofmultimodalrhetorics.com/4-2-issue-rodriguez-et-al)
- Co-Author (with Tim Dougherty, Ben Kuebrich, and Yanira Rodriguez), “Soundwriting as Resistance: Toward a Pedagogy of Liberation.” In Soundwriting Pedagogies. Eds. Courtney Danforth, Michael Faris, and Kyle Stedman. Computers and Composition Digital Press, 2018. (https://ccdigitalpress.org/book/soundwriting/)
- Co-Author (with Randall Cream and Tim Dougherty), “Fired Up: Institutional Critique, Lesson Study, and the Future of Antiracist Writing Assessment.” in Writing Assessment, Social Justice, and the Advancement of Opportunity. Eds. Mya Poe and Asao Inoue. University Press of Colorado, 2018. (https://wac.colostate.edu/docs/books/assessment/chapter8.pdf)
- Review of Articulate while Black: Barack Obama, language, and race in the U.S. by H. Samy Alim and Geneva Smitherman. Language in Society. 43.3 (June 2014). (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/language-in-society/article/h-samy-alim-geneva-smitherman-articulate-while-black-barack-obama-language-and-race-in-the-us-new-york-oxford-university-press-2012-pp-xviii-205-pb-2495/9AC3E9093D9BDC4975665C14165C8E54/core-reader)