Seeking Justice, Making Peace, Transforming the World...

Welcome! The Peace and Conflict Studies minor is an interdisciplinary academic area of study concerned with issues related to conflict, conflict transformation, war, social justice, human rights, peace, social change, and nonviolent alternatives to violence. This minor and certificate program consist of courses drawn from a number of disciplines that analyze the factors that contribute to peace with justice, various functions of conflict, and processes by which conflict may be managed and transformed. The Peace and Conflict Studies minor and certificate foster skills for both study and action that are rooted in human rights and ethical decision making. Peace and Conflict Studies is an enrichment to liberal education and a pre-professional field relevant to a variety of careers, both traditional and emerging. Students who complete work in the Peace and Conflict Studies go for careers and graduate study in law, politics, communications, education, mediation, government, international relations, and nonprofit/not-for-profit public interest and advocacy organizations.

It should be noted that this is an 18-credit academic minor only and/or 12-credit undergraduate certificate, not a major, and will not lead to a bachelor's or master's degree. Transcript recognition will be given.

For a detailed overview of the Minor and the Certificate click the buttons below. For quick reference guides click here:

Quick Guide Minor in Peace and Conflict Studies

Quick Guide Undergraduate Certificate in Conflict Transformation and Management

Photo of cornerstone with quote Place of Revolution and Reconcilitation. From Kelly Ingram Park in Birmingham AL where Bull Connor released firehoses and dogs on the protestors. Many were children. It is across the street from the 16th St Baptist Church where the four little girls were killed and a fifth badly injured. Photo Credit: D. Johnson October 2017.

From Kelly Ingram Park in Birmingham AL. Place where Bull Connor released firehoses and dogs on the protestors. Many were children. It is across the street from the 16th St Baptist Church where the four little girls were killed and a fifth badly injured. Photo Credit: D. Johnson October 2017.


Minor in Peace and Conflict Studies

The Peace and Conflict Studies Minor consists of 18 credits, some of which also may be used to fulfill other degree requirements. This minor may be taken as one of the minors in the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies general degree program.

Quick Guide Minor in Peace and Conflict Studies

Official Minor Advising Sheet

Required Courses (6 Hours)

PAX 200  Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies
PAX 400  Peace & Conflict Studies Seminar

Elective Courses (12 Hours) Select one course from each of the following four categories (three of the four classes should be at the 300-level or above. No more than two classes can come from one discipline, unless that discipline is PAX/PHI.)

Political Thought/International Relations
CRJ 304  Introduction to Comparative Justice Systems
GEO 332  Environmental Crises
GEO 352  Geopolitics
PAX 315  Peace and Conflict Studies Travel Seminar
PAX 370  Israel, Palestine, Power and Peace
PHI 207  Philosophies of Non-violence
PHI 355  Political Philosophy
PHI 411  The Problem of War
PHI 481  Philosophy of Human Rights
PSC 301  Women and Politics
PSC 317  Contemporary International Relations
PAX 301  Global Perspectives in Peace and Justice
PSC 320  U.S. Foreign Policy
PSC 340  Latin American Culture and Politics
SOC 341  Social Stratification
SOC 372  Globalization Across Societies and Cultures
SWO 225  Race Relations
WOS 306  Transnational Feminisms
WOS 260  Globalization and the Ethics of Sustainability
WOS/HIS 329  Gender and Peace
WOS?SOC 366  Gender, Labor and Globalization
WOS/PHI385 Feminist Theory

Dynamics of Activism and Advocacy
COM 340  Political Communication
GEO 230  Environmental Conservation and Sustainability
JRN 335  Ethical Issues in Mass Media
LIT 309  Thoughts/Writings of Martin Luther King
PAX 315  Peace and Conflict Studies Travel Seminar
PAX 377  Community Organizing: Strategies and Practice
PHI 207  Philosophies of Non-violence
PHI 481  Philosophy of Human Rights
PSC 322  Public Opinion, Media and Politics
PSC 352  Constitutional Law II: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
SOC 369  Social Movements
SWO 321  Generalist Social Work Practice II
WOS 310  Women and Activism
WOS/HIS 329  Gender and Peace
WOS/PHI 385  Feminist Theory
WRH 315  Propaganda, Power, and Politics
WRH 335  Activism and Advocacy Writing
YES 300  Youth Empowerment and the Urban Context
YES 301  Seminar in Youth-Led Media and Inquiry

Communication/Negotiation Skills
COM 204 Interpersonal Communication OR COM 214 Relational Communication
COM 333 Small Group Communication OR COM 215 Organizational Communication
COM 332  Conflict Resolutions
CRJ 470  Interpersonal Relations
HIS 362  Violence in America
HIS 373  African-American History
PAX 345  Mediation and Conciliation
PAX 373  Conflict Transformation
PHI/WOS 385  Feminist Theory
PSC 323  Racial/Ethnic Politics
SOC 335  Racial and Cultural Minorities
SOC 341  Social Stratification
SWO 300  Family Systems
SWO 321  Generalist Social Work Practice II

Power and Politics/Social Justice
COM 340  Political Communication
CLS 258  Women's Literature I
EDF 300  Democracy and Education
GEO 332  Environmental Crises
GEO 352  Geopolitics
HIS 332  The Holocaust
HIS 362  Violence in America
HIS 373  African-American History
HIS 375  A History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
JRN 335  Ethical Issues in Mass Media
LIT 202  African American Literature I
LIT 309  Thoughts/Writings of Martin Luther King
PAX 315  Peace and Conflict Studies Travel Seminar
PAX 370  Israel, Palestine, Power and Peace
PHI 207  Philosophies of Non-violence
PHI 282  Animal Ethics
PHI 481  Philosophy of Human Rights
PSC 301  Women and Politics
PSC 323  Racial/Ethnic Politics
PSC 340  Latin American Culture and Politics
PSC 352  Constitutional Law II: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
SOC 335  Racial and Cultural Minorities
SOC 341  Social Stratification
SOC 369  Social Movements
WOS 310  Women and Activism
WOS 260  Globalization and the Ethics of Sustainability
WOS 329  Gender and Peace
WOS/PHI385  Feminist Theory

Additional Community-Based Requirements

Students are expected to attend four Peace and Conflict-related campus events. Those events that qualify will be announced on the Peace and Conflict Studies website and tracked by the program director.

Certificate in Conflict Transformation and Management

The undergraduate certificate in Conflict Transformation and Management consists of 12 credits, some of which may also be used to fulfill other degree requirements. The certificate is intended to enhance any major by providing practical skills for dealing with conflicts more effectively.

Quick Guide Undergraduate Certificate in Conflict Transformation and Management

Official Advising Sheet Certificate in Conflict Transformation and Management

 Required Courses (6 Hours)

PAX 200  Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies
PAX 345  Mediation and Conciliation

Elective Courses (6 Hours)

Select one course from the following.
COM 332  Conflict Resolutions
PAX 373  Conflict Transformation

Select one course from the following.
COM 204  Interpersonal Communication OR COM 214 Relational Communication
COM 333  Small Group Communication OR COM 215 Organizational Communication
MDC 250/COM 250  Intercultural Communication 
CRJ 470  Interpersonal Relations
PHI 207  Philosophies of Nonviolence

For More Information Contact:

The Philosophy Department
Anderson Hall 220
725 S. Church Street
West Chester, PA 19383  
Photo Wall of Grafitti including the words, "Make Art not War." Taken by D Johnson at "The Skate Show"

Photo from "The Skate Show" Fall 2109. Credit: D. Johnson