Congratulations to the Class of 2023 Teacher Consultants
General Information
Tuition and Fees
3 Graduate Credits from West Chester University
For current tuition rate & information about Employer Reimbursement, please visit
the Bursar website.
Please register at least two weeks before the class begins.
If you are not enrolled in a Master's Degree program at West Chester University, learn how to enroll as a nondegree student.
Writing Institute - Summer Session 2
The West Chester Writing Project offers a three-week, intense Institute focused on the Teaching of Writing. Participants earn six graduate credits from West Chester University.
Experienced teachers come together to demonstrate and examine their classroom practices, study the latest research about teaching, and develop their own teaching skills. As a result of these activities, teachers are better prepared for their own classrooms and for teaching other teachers.
This teachers-teaching-teachers model is the heart of the Project philosophy.
Teachers who successfully complete an Institute are eligible to teach in WCWP's summer Youth Programs, present in courses, and provide professional development for local school districts.
An application form, endorsement from a WCWP Teacher Consultant or school district administrator, and interview are required. Applications are considered on a rolling admission basis. For more information please call the WCWP office at 610-436-2202 or email the Director,
Pauline SchmidtInstitute Application linked here. Deadline to apply is June 1st.
Teacher as Writer - Summer Session 1
PWP 502 - Teacher as Writer
The best teachers of writing are teachers who write. This course is designed for teachers and future teachers who would like to grow as writers. This course is for teachers K-16+ in any content area. It consists of ongoing participation in a reading/writing workshop where participants experience and experiment with writing in the major modes (expository, narrative, persuasive/argument), poetry, and the many forms those modes take in the world outside the classroom. Teacher as Writers is designed to enable teachers to understand writing from the inside out, feel confident about sharing skills with their students, and feel comfortable facing any blank page.