Program Overview
Achieve a just society where health is a human right.
The MPH program leverages the power of partnerships and engagement in research, education, and service to prepare diverse public health professionals that advocate and promote health, well-being, and human rights for all people.
To promote the health of individuals and communities, public health professionals (students, staff, faculty, and others affiliated with the program) are invited to adopt and further the following core values of our program.
Community Engagement
We develop mutually beneficial partnerships regionally and globally to facilitate sustainable capacity building and engage community stakeholders in decision making processes.
Diversity and Inclusion
We commit to and support the diversity and inclusivity of individuals, institutions, and communities. We are working to address historical institutional racism and marginalization through public health efforts.
Human Rights and Justice
We respect human dignity by promoting human rights for all and addressing social, racial, economic, and environmental injustice in our practice at the behavioral, institutional, and systemic levels.
Interprofessional Collaboration
We address complex public health issues through ethical and professional practice, compassion, and collaboration with professionals from a range of disciplines.
Lifelong Learning
We are committed to evidence-based practice, seek opportunities for professional growth, and share our expertise with colleagues and the community.
To accomplish the MPH Program mission, we collectively monitor Goals and their respective Objectives.
Education Goal
To prepare diverse graduates with the knowledge and skills to pursue successful careers in the field of public health.
Research Goal
To model and engage graduate students in research and scholarly activity reflecting the theory and practice of public health.
Service Goal
To model and engage students in activities which promote and support service to the university, public health profession, and the community.
All students will be expected to successfully complete a total of 46 credits of core and concentration coursework. Our three concentrations in Community Health, Environmental Health, and Health Care Management all share the same required core coursework including a 200-hour Applied Learning Experience Practicum. The core courses in the MPH program cover both the 12 Foundational Public Health Knowledge and the 22 MPH Foundational Competencies required by the Council on Public Health Education (CEPH, 2016).
Through the required 12 core courses (equivalent to 28 credits), all MPH program graduates will obtain knowledge and skills in the 22 MPH foundational competencies.
Evidence Based Approach to Public Health
- Apply epidemiological methods to settings and situations in public health practice
- Select quantitative and qualitative data collection methods appropriate for a given public health context
- Analyze quantitative and qualitative data using biostatistics, informatics, computer-based programming, and software, as appropriate
- Interpret results of data analysis for public health research, policy, or practice
Public Health & Healthcare Systems
- Compare the organization, structure and function of health care, public health, and regulatory systems across national and international settings
- Discuss the means by which structural bias, social inequalities and racism undermine health and create challenges to achieving health equity at organizational, community, and societal levels
Planning & Management to Promote Health
- Assess population needs, assets, and capacities that affect communities' health
- Apply awareness of cultural values and practices to the design, implementation, or critique of public health policies or programs
- Design a population-based policy, program, project, or intervention
- Explain basic principles and tools of budget and resource management
- Select methods to evaluate public health programs
Policy in Public Health
- Discuss the policy-making process, including the roles of ethics and evidence
- Propose strategies to identify relevant communities and individuals and build coalitions and partnerships for influencing public health outcomes
- Advocate for political, social, or economic policies and programs that will improve health in diverse populations
- Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity
- Apply principles of leadership and/or management principles to address a relevant issue
- Apply negotiation and mediation skills to address organizational or community challenges
- Select communication strategies for different audiences and sectors
- Communicate audience-appropriate public health content, both in writing and through oral presentation to a non-academic, non-peer audience with attention to factors such as literacy and health literacy
- Describe the importance of cultural humility in communicating public health content
Interprofessional Practice
- Integrate perspectives from other sectors and/or professions to promote and advance population health.
Systems Thinking
- Apply a systems thinking tool to visually represent a public health issue in a format other than standard narrative
Students gain a deeper understanding of a concentration area in Community Health, Environmental Health, or Health Care Management. Each concentration requires six courses (equivalent to 18 credits) designed to prepare students in a specialized concentration.
Through completion of concentration coursework, all MPH students will demonstrate the specialized knowledge and skills of their selected concentration.
Community Health Competencies
1. Generate a report on community health vulnerabilities and assets using spatial
and non-spatial data.
2. Develop a grant proposal to fund an equity-focused health promotion initiative.
3. Design a participatory evaluation of a community-based health initiative.
4. Analyze the implementation of a social media campaign to promote health
5. Apply a global perspective to design a community health initiative.
6. Utilize technologies to develop strategies for planning and implementing
community health programs.
Environmental Health Competencies
1. Identify illness and injury causing agents in workplaces, residences, health
care facilities and other institutions, and the outdoor environment.
2. Measure biological, chemical and physical disease agents in any environment
and assess compliance with environmental regulations and professional standards
3. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate toxicological, epidemiological and environmental
exposure data
4. Quantitatively assess risk using mathematical models and communicate risk
information to populations served
5. Integrate the legacy of environmental (in)justice and other historical social
inequities into sustainable policy decisions for future generations.
6. Determine how climate-change and sustainability policies have disproportionately
affected vulnerable groups.
Health Care Management Competencies
1. Engage in activities that enhance skills to identify and respond to current
trends and issues of health care management and policy.
2. Identify external and internal pressures affecting administrators' functions
and their role in organizational politics, resource allocation decisions, and other
critical issues.
3. Demonstrate the widespread applicability of management theory to diverse
types of health services organizations and health systems.
4. Apply health care management terminology and concepts to enhance professional
development and lifelong learning.
5. Analyze health care regulations and legal requirements for health care operations
and financial sustainability of health care organizations.
The MPH program crafted seven goals with related objectives. These goals are monitored on an annual basis for quality improvement purposes.
Goal Statement
To prepare diverse graduates with the knowledge and skills to pursue successful careers in the field of public health.
Objective 1
To recruit and retain diverse graduate students.
- 1.1. 90% of newly enrolled students will meet the minimum GPA requirement of 2.8 (this GPA is based on a 4.0 GPA grade system)
- 1.2 60% of the students accepted into the MPH program will fully matriculate as MPH students.
- 1.3 At least 35% of enrolled MPH students will represent minority population groups (African American, Latino, Native American, Asian/Pacific Islander or Multiracial).
- 1.4 At least 60% of enrolled MPH students will represent diverse gender identity groups (including CISgender female/woman, genderqueer, gender non-binary, gender fluid, transgender female/woman, transgender male/man, or another gender not listed).
- 1.5 At least 10% of the students enrolled in the MPH Program will represent international population groups.
- 1.6. 70% of the matriculated MPH students will successfully complete graduation requirements.
Objective 2
To recruit and retain a diverse faculty to support the growth of the MPH program.
- 2.1. At least 60% of the MPH Faculty will represent diverse gender identity groups (including CISgender female/woman, genderqueer, gender non-binary, gender fluid, transgender female/woman, transgender male/man, or another gender not listed).
- 2.2. At least 20% of the MPH faculty will represent minority population groups (African American, Latino, Native American, Asian/Pacific Islander or Multiracial).
- 2.3. Retention of MPH faculty from underrepresented groups with 100% achieving tenure. [Underrepresented groups include: (1) gender identity: CISgender female/woman, genderqueer, gender non-binary, gender fluid, transgender female/woman, transgender male/man, or another gender not listed, and (2) race/ethnicity: African American, Latino, Native American, Asian/Pacific Islander or Multiracial]
Objective 3
To recruit and retain a qualified faculty to support the growth of the MPH program.
- 3.1. All (100%) of the MPH core faculty will have doctoral degrees in the area of expertise.
- 3.2. At least 80% of the MPH core faculty will also have an MPH degree or a related Master’s degree.
- 3.3. At least 60% of core faculty who hold professional licensure and/or certifications in addition to their doctoral degree will meet the requirements for continuing education.
Objective 4
Students will gain relevant public health knowledge and skills through competency-based MPH core/track curriculum.
- 4.1. 80% of MPH students will complete core course key assignments linked to foundational competencies with a B or better.
- 4.2. 80% of MPH students will complete track course key assignments linked to track-specific competencies with a B or better.
- 4.3. 80% of MPH students will complete the HEA 650 Applied Learning Experience II practicum (applied practice experience) with a B or better.
- 4.4. 80% of MPH students will complete the core/track competency-linked major project report (integrated learning experience) in HEA 650 Applied Learning Experience II with a B or better.
- 4.5. 80% of MPH students will report very confident/confident in applying core and track competencies in practice in the exit survey.
Objective 5
Graduates of the MPH program will be valuable skilled professionals in the public health-related workforce.
- 5.1. Of all MPH students responding to the required exit survey at the end of the HEA 650 Applied Learning Experience II practicum, 80% will report an intention to work and/or seek further training in a public health-related field.
- 5.2. Of all MPH students responding to the alumni survey, 80% will indicate employment in a public health-related profession or will be seeking further graduate study or training in a public health-related area.
- 5.3. 80% of ALE II site-supervisors will report MPH students are meeting or exceeding professional standards on the site supervisor final evaluation form.
- 5.4. 75% of the employers responding to the stakeholder survey or reporting in the Community Advisory Board, will report MPH graduates as 'moderately to completely' prepared to apply foundational competencies in practice.
Research Goal Statement
To model and engage graduate students in research and scholarly activity reflecting the theory and practice of public health.
Objective 1
MPH faculty will participate in research and/or evaluation projects or other scholarly activities.
- 1.1. 80% of MPH faculty will participate in research and/or evaluation projects or other scholarly activities on an annual basis as demonstrated by peer-reviewed publications, documented research in progress, peer-reviewed conference presentations/posters, books/book chapters, and internal/external grants or contracts.
- 1.2. 60% of MPH faculty will participate in collaborative research/evaluation projects with graduate students yearly.
Objective 2
Graduate students will participate in research and/or scholarly activity as part of HEA 526 Biostatistics in Public Health, HEA 650 Applied Learning Experience II, and/or individual faculty led research projects.
- 2.1. 100% of MPH students will conduct a research project on a topic of their choice as part of the HEA 526 Biostatistics in Public Health core course.
- 2.2. 50% of MPH students will engage in collaborative research and/or evaluation projects or other scholarly activities with faculty mentorship, through graduate/research assistantships, or funded/non-funded research projects.
- 2.3. 80% of MPH students will rate that they are extremely confident/confident in research-related MPH core competencies (#1-4, 7, 11, 15) in the MPH Exit Survey.
Goal Statement
To model and engage students in activities which promote and support service to the university, public health profession, and the community.
Objective 1
MPH faculty will participate in service activities in the public health profession and the community.
- 1.1. 100% of MPH faculty will join and/or maintain their membership in at least one public health professional organization.
- 1.2. 80% of MPH faculty will participate in service to the public health profession and/or community at the local, regional, state, national and/or international level.
Objective 2
MPH students will have opportunities to participate in service activities in the public health profession, community and at the university.
- 2.1. 1 or more students from the MPH Student Advisory Board will serve as a student representative on the Full MPH Program Committee and a minimum of one student will serve on each standing MPH Program Committees as evidenced by meeting minutes.
- 2.2. 5 or more students will serve on the MPH Student Advisory Board and compile annual recommendations to the MPH faculty to review at each August faculty retreat to inform quality improvement efforts.
- 2.3 100% of the MPH students will participate in at least one community service activity during the completion of the MPH program.
- 2.4. The MPH program will sponsor a minimum of four MPH student professional development events during each academic year.
Objective 3
The MPH program will annually sponsor public health-related workforce professional development opportunities.
- 3.1 The MPH Program will sponsor a minimum of two public health workforce development opportunities during each academic year (panel discussions, workshops, or conferences).
Council on Public Health Education (CEPH) Accreditation
West Chester University’s MPH program is accredited by the Council on Public Health Education (CEPH). Our program recently earned reaccreditation in December 2023 for the maximum term of seven years. View our final report from CEPH and a copy of our final self-study . CEPH is an independent agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit Schools of Public Health and Public Health Programs. Contact MPH Program Director Dr. Stacie Metz, if you wish to obtain a copy of the CEPH final report or our final self-study document.
The MPH program administration and related procedures are available in the WCU MPH Program By-Laws document (last approved October 15, 2022 ).