Graduation and Commencement


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Validate a West Chester University CeDiploma

Key Resources

#WCUgraduation Checklist for Undergraduate Students

All communication will be through your WCU email account.

Timeline and Important Dates

Apply to Graduate when you have 90 Completed Credits - See the "Apply to Graduate" section for further information.

Timeline and Dates

Below are the dates when the Graduation Application is available in RamPortal, by term.  Additionally, we have indicated which Commencement Ceremony students should attend.

Graduation Term - Undergraduates Only
Opens Deadline Commencement *
Spring 2025 Jan 1, 2023 March 21, 2025 May 2025
Summer 2025 Jan 1, 2023 March 21, 2025 May 2025
Fall 2025 Jan 21, 2025 TBD December 2025

* Please visit the Commencement website for more information and details regarding the ceremony. 

* All questions regarding the commencement ceremony can be directed to

Apply to Graduate / Change Your Graduation Term

Apply to graduate when you have 90 completed credits - this permits enough time to review your General Education Requirements to ensure you are on track.

How To Apply

  • Confirm your anticipated graduation date with your advisor.  Please be aware that your anticipated graduation date must be at the end of the semester of your last required courses for your degree.
  • Apply to graduate online via your "Graduation" card in RamPortal. Click on the "Apply to Graduate" link and follow the prompts. 
    • Dual majors must apply under each major. 
    • If your graduation term is not available, email Degree Completion at and request a Late Graduation. Application form.  If applying late, your name may not appear in the Commencement Program.
    • Check your "Application Status" via the "Graduation" card to verify your expected graduation term.

How to Change My Graduation Term

If you need to select another grad term, or missed the deadline to apply, you must email

Check Your Degree Audit

Run Your Degree Audit and Review with Your Advisor

Residency Requirements

  • At least 30 of your last 60 credits must be taken at WCU.
  • At least 50% of the major and at least 50% of the minor must be taken at WCU.

Review Your Requirements

General Education Requirements

  • After a student applies for graduation, a Graduation Analyst is alerted and reviews the General Education requirements.  
  • Once the General Education requirement review is completed, a note will be placed on the Degree Audit regarding the outcome.  The student will also receive an email to their WCU email account.
Questions? - Email
Degree Completion.

 Major, Minor, and Certificate Requirements

  • After a student applies for graduation, the student should reach out to their Academic Advisor or Department Chairperson regarding outstanding major, minor, and/or certificate requirements.

Students should be running their Degree Audit every term and reviewing it with their advisor.

Check Your RamPortal 

Update Your Personal Information in RamPortal

  1. Update Your Home Address
    • Diplomas will be sent to your home address, so make sure that is updated.
  2. Update Your Email
    • Enter a Post Graduation email address, so we can keep in contact with your after your graduate.

Clear Your Holds

A hold on your record will prevent you from receiving your diploma or from ordering an official transcript, even if you have successfully completed all of your academic requirements.

Some of the most commons hold that will prevent you from receiving your diploma or ordering your official transcript include, but are not limited to:

Hold Description
Financial Aid

If you received a Federal Student Loan as part of your Financial Aid Package, you are required to complete Exit Counseling before you graduate. Financial Aid will clear your Financial Aid hold on your RamPortal typically within 24-72 hours after completing your Exit Counseling.

Questions? - Visit the Financial Aid website, call 610-436-2627, or email the

Financial Aid Office.

If you have a past due balance for tuition or fees, or if you received a Perkins Loan, a Perkins Loan Exit Interview may be required to be completed.

Questions? - Visit the Bursar website or call 610-436-2552.

Parking Ticket

The Department of Public Safety has an online service for students to pay tickets. Your WCU user name and password are required.

Pay My Parking Ticket Online

Library Make sure all fines have been paid and all library resources have been returned.

Don't Graduate Without #WCUFinLit

You now have the unique opportunity to enhance your résumé and prepare for life after graduation by completing a #WCUFinLit Certification in areas such as Personal Finance and Managing Credit. Please visit the #WCUFinLit web portal to learn more.

If you would like a one-on-one consultation, please email the

Financial Aid Office.
FinAid FitLit Image

Additional FAQ's

When Do I Attend Commencement?

Commencement ceremonies are held in December (following Fall semester) and May (following Spring semester).

  • Fall and Winter graduates participate in the December Commencement.
    • Winter graduates will not have their degree awarded until after the Winter term and their final course(s) have been graded.
  • Spring and Summer graduates participate in the May Commencement.
    • Summer graduates will not have their degree awarded until after the Summer term and their final course(s) have been graded.

What is Graduation Honors?

Graduation honors are awarded as followed, based on your final transcript:

Honors Cumulative GPA
Summa Cum Laude 3.750 - 4.000
Magna Cum Laude 3.500 - 3.749
Cum Laude 3.250 - 3.499
  • The honors list for Commencement is based on the cumulative GPA from the next-to-last semester before a student graduates.
  • Student who do not earn honors until the end of their final semester will have the honors recorded on their diploma and final transcripts.

When Will My Degree Be Awarded?

Several checks need to occur before a degree can be awarded.

The Process

  1. Grades Are Posted
    • It typically takes 6 days after the last day of the semester for official grades to be posted for a semester.  All grades posted must be final before a student is considered eligible to receive their degree.  
  2. Department Review
    • Once grades are posted, each department begins reviewing the records for students in their major(s), minor(s), and certificate program(s).  They ensure all requirements have been completed.
  3. Registrar Review
    • After the departments complete their clearances, the Office of the Registrar completes a final review of the General Education requirements for each student.
  4. Degree Awarded
    • Once the degree is awarded, the record is officially sealed and cannot be changed or adjusted.

This process may take up to 6 weeks to complete. Once awarded, your degree will appear on your unofficial transcript within RamPortal and on your official transcripts.

When Will I Receive My Diploma?

Once all degrees are awarded for a semester, a list is sent to our vendor who prints and mails all the diplomas to our students.  All diplomas will be mailed to student's home address listed in RamPortal.

The process for awarding degrees may take up to 6 weeks to complete.  It will take another 4 - 6 weeks for students to receive their West Chester University diploma in the mail.

How to Invite International Guests to Commencement

Click here for directions on how to invite international relatives to Commencement.