High School Students and Counselors
Help for High School Students and Counselors
- RAMPORTAL - Search Classes
- How can I check my grades?
- How do I order a transcript?
- How do I establish residency in Pennsylvania?
- Where can I find forms?
- How do I get credit for college courses I took in high school?
Key Resources


Take a Class at WCU
Information about taking college courses in our Non-Degree Program.

Advanced Placement and other Test Credit
Information about AP, CLEP, and ways to get college credit.
NOTICE: WCU email is our primary and official form of communication.
Registration Information
Important student information regarding scheduling times and deadlines, wait listing, priority registration, and first-year/freshman scheduling.
Enrollment Verification and Good Student Discount Certificate Information
Information about the types of Enrollment Verification requests and how to access them in myWCU.