Required Bylaw Update Instructions and Resources
Incorporating the Bylaw Template – How To Steps
- Find your current bylaws – ask your Leadership Consultant if you do not know where to find these.
- Go to your ramconnect portal, dashboard, settings and your blyaws are under the group information section.
- Open the bylaw template – find the sections in red to incorporate.
- Transpose template sections in Red into current bylaws *consult with your LC if you thing what you currently have meets the same criteria
- Section B. - New membership expectations go into membership section (add)
- Section F. - insert officer eligibility requirements (add)
- Article VI. - maintaining membership (add)
- Section C. - Impeachment process replaces current impeachment/removal process for officers
- Section D. - member accountability process (add)
- Article X. - replace anti-discrimination section entirely.
Member Accountability Resources - the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement recognizes that these new processes may require some additional resources to implement. Trainings will be offered in the 2025-2026 academic year.
The following are templates that can be utilized as examples for an organization’s efforts in moving through the steps of member accountability: