Required Bylaw Update Instructions and Resources

Incorporating the Bylaw Template – How To Steps

  1. Find your current bylaws – ask your Leadership Consultant if you do not know where to find these.
    1. Go to your ramconnect portal, dashboard, settings and your blyaws are under the group information section.
  2. Open the bylaw template – find the sections in red to incorporate.
  3. Transpose template sections in Red into current bylaws *consult with your LC if you thing what you currently have meets the same criteria
    • Section B. - New membership expectations go into membership section (add)
    • Section F. - insert officer eligibility requirements (add)
    • Article VI. - maintaining membership (add)
    • Section C. - Impeachment process replaces current impeachment/removal process for officers
    • Section D. - member accountability process (add)
    • Article X. - replace anti-discrimination section entirely.

Member Accountability Resources - the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement recognizes that these new processes may require some additional resources to implement. Trainings will be offered in the 2025-2026 academic year.

  1. Flowchart for Member Accountability
  2. Flowchart

The following are templates that can be utilized as examples for an organization’s efforts in moving through the steps of member accountability:

  1. Common Member Expectations Example
  2. Membership Expectations & Form
  3. Member Removal Report Samples
  4. Member Incomplete Action Plan
  5. Member Accountability Process - Member Action Plan Template
  6. Member Accountability Report Sample
  7. Template - Meeting Script Member Accountability
  8. Template - Notice to Student