PANCE Pass Rates

PA Program 5 year PANCE Pass Rate PDF

Class Overview

Class # of Candidates in Class # of Candidates who took PANCE % of Candidates who took PANCE # of Candidates who passed PANCE % of Total Class who passed PANCE as of 9/24
2023 25 25 100% 23 92%
2024 26 24 92% 23 96%

Program PANCE Pass Rate Analysis for Cohort 1 March 2024

Consistent with national trends for recently accredited PA programs (date first accredited years 2019-2020), West Chester University’s first-time PANCE pass rates for our inaugural cohort fell below the national mean of 92%. Trends of other recently accredited PA programs (accredited years 2019-2020) seem to suggest that first-cohort pass rates are the lowest (average 83%, range 68-94%) but subsequent cohorts perform significantly better with increased first-time pass rates in cohort 2 (average 88%, range 76-100%) and cohort 3 (average 96%, range 95-97%).

Our goal remains to meet or exceed national average First Time PANCE Pass Rates for subsequent cohorts.

Based on self-assessment, the program has developed a multi-pronged approach plan to elevate students in subsequent cohorts based on careful analysis of the program and feedback from multiple stakeholders.


  • Streamlining didactic coursework and experiences based on the incorporation of various stakeholders, including students, faculty, preceptors, and graduates
  • Inclusion of more simulation and case-based content for application of content
  • Earlier intervention with at-risk students at the foundational levels based on individual assessment performance


  • Utilization of high-quality clinical sites with targeted instruction during the clinical year
  • Mandatory intervention plan for students scoring below the national mean on end-of-rotation examinations
  • Increased minimum passing score for end-of-curriculum exam based on correlations with PANCE pass rates
  • Mandatory individualized study strategy and study plan creation required for at-risk students and optional for all other students


  • Program-purchased end-of-curriculum test bank software (ROSH Review)
  • Enhanced board review (CME Resources)
  • Addition of didactic and clinical faculty members
  • Faculty training on identification at-risk students and creation of holistic remediation plans

These changes have already resulted in significant improvements in academic performance for currently enrolled cohorts and anticipate that these changes will result in a higher percentage of students successfully passing their PANCE exam on the first attempt.

WCU is extremely proud of all of its graduates from the inaugural cohort and for their confidence in choosing WCU for their PA education. Our graduates are successfully working in various medical specialties across the country. They are fulfilling the mission of our program in amazing ways.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to the program at