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To protect your privacy, we will not discuss personal or student record information over the phone. If you would like to connect with us about your student record or any issues you are experiencing, please send an email to our office from your WCU email address.

WCU Email is our Primary and Official Form of Communication





Academic Calendar

Calendar Icon

Our Academic Calendar provides important University dates and deadlines related to holidays, semester and session start/end, add/drop, withdrawal and refund periods, final exams, grade posting, and commencement.

View the Academic Calendar

Ordering Official Transcripts - ONLINE ONLY

Transcript Ordering icon

Please be aware that the ordering instructions are different for those who attended during 1985 and after (including current students) and those who attended before or during 1984.  Transcripts can be mailed, emailed, or picked up at the Office of the Registrar.  There is a nominal fee per transcript.  

Order Official Transcripts

Initiate, Change, or Reset Your Password

Help Icon

New students and employees can initiate their WCU password, while current students and employees can change or reset their WCU password - all online!  You will need WCU credentials to gain access to important resources, such as RamPortal, D2L, WCU email, and WiFi while on campus.

Questions? - Contact the Help Desk

Change/Reset Password


25Live Pro

WCU student organizations, faculty, and staff can request to reserve a space on campus for any WCU-related and/or sponsored event through 25Live Pro.  Outside organizations can inquire about renting space by contacting Conference Services, as our facilities are in an ideal location for meetings, classes, conferences, and summer camps.

25Live Pro - Request a Space on Campus

25Live Pro Icon

General Education Pathway Certificates

Pathway certificates take a cross-disciplinary approach to incorporate the spirit of the general education curriculum, with a focus on specific themes, concepts, and content areas.  Pathways provide students with additional opportunities to apply information and learning approaches across multiple disciplines.  

View General Education Pathway Certificates

Registration Information

Important student information regarding scheduling times and deadlines, priority registration, wait listing, and first-year scheduling.

View Registration Information

Sessions within Semesters

To allow students more flexibility, WCU offers sessions within semesters. Click on the above link for additional details and directions on how to search for courses that do not follow standard semester start and end dates.

Learn about Sessions within Semesters

Enrollment Verifications

Enrollment Verifications can be used to verify a student's current enrollment status and/or enrollment history.  This a free service provided to students and can be obtained through RamPortal.

Learn about Enrollment Verifications

Reverse Transfer Press Release

Learn about Reverse Transfer, which enables qualifying PA Community College transfer students to complete their Associate's Degree while working toward their Bachelor's Degree at West Chester University. You may also refer to our Reverse Transfer Information sheet to learn how the program works.

View Reverse Transfer Press Release

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