Official Forms - Enrollment, Record, and Exceptions

Use RamPortal to:

  1. Make Registration Changes
  2. Manage Your Record
  3. Request Major, Minor, and Certificate Changes
  4. Obtain Your Schedule and Grades
  5. Print Enrollment and Degree Verifications
  6. Order Your Official Transcript
  7. Order a Replacement Paper Diploma (via Parchment)

Validate a West Chester University CeDiploma

Key Resources:

Course Enrollment and Registration

Audit a Course

Course Audit Form

This form is due by the end of the ninth instructional week of the semester and can only be applied to one class per term. The course will be carried on the transcript and will be counted for billing purposes, but will not count towards the GPA or degree requirements.  Please read about Auditing Privileges in the University Catalog for further information.

Credit by Examination

Credit by Examination Form

Earn credit for a course by completing an exam or other form of assessment. Once approvals are granted, you will need to pay for the Credit by Examination at the Office of the Bursar. Return completed form, with payment receipt, to the Office of the Registrar for processing before the end of the Add/Drop period.

Enroll in a Closed (Full) Course

Adding a Closed Class

Students must be enrolled in a closed class by the end of the Add/Drop period for the semester in which the course is held. Please contact the department offering the course to be granted permission to enroll via RamPortal. Once permission is granted, it is the responsibility of the student to self register in the course prior to the end of the Add/Drop period.

Enrollment Overload Request

Request an Enrollment Overload

Students who wish to enroll in more than 18 credits for the Fall/Spring semesters, over 7 credits during the Winter, or 10 credits in the Summer semesters can request an enrollment overload through the Service Now Registration Form. Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 and additional tuition fees apply. Please read about Enrollment Overload in the University Catalog for further information.

Independent Study / Individualized Instruction Request

Independent Study / Individualized Instruction Form

This form is due by the end of the Add/Drop period for the semester and requires signatures from the Department Chairperson and Dean of the College. Please read about Independent Study and Individualized Instruction Policies in the University Catalog for further information.

Pass/Fail Grade Request

Pass/Fail Course Request Form

This form is due by the end of the ninth instructional week of the semester and requires a signature from the student's major academic advisor. Please read about the Pass/Fail Policy in the University Catalog for further information.

Take a Graduate Course for Undergraduate Credit

Undergraduate Credit for Graduate Course Form

This form is for undergraduate students who are interested in taking a graduate course for credit towards their Bachelor's Degree and is due by the end of the Add/Drop period for the semester.  Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 and must collect all required signatures. Please read about Graduate Credit for Undergraduate Students in the University Catalog for further information.

Term/University Withdrawal Request Form

This form is to be used by undergraduate and graduate students to notify the University of their plan to withdraw from all of their classes for the term indicated and/or their plan to leave the University. Students withdrawing from the current term will be dropped from all courses, a grade of "W" will be assigned for each course if received after the add/drop deadline. Requests for term withdrawals must be received prior to the term withdrawal deadline. Students can access the Term/University Withdrawal form in RamPortal. For instructions on how to complete the online form please review the step-by-step instructions online .

Major/Minor/Certificate Plan Changes

How to Change Your Major, Minor, and/or Certificate

Change You Major, Minor, and/or Certificate

Students can now request changes to their academic plan of study (major/minor/certificate) by clicking on the link Plan Change Form on the Student Forms tile in RamPortal.  Requests will be reviewed by the department prior to being updated by the Registrar's Office.

Accelerated Bachelor to Master's Degree Program

Addition Request Form

This form is to be used by undergraduate students who wish to change their major to an accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s Degree Program.  Students can access this form in RamPortal.  For instructions on how to complete the online form please review the step-by-step instructions online .

Removal Request Form

This form is for students currently enrolled in an accelerated Bachelor to Master's Degree Program who wish to remove themselves and declare a new undergraduate plan of study.

Change Plan Location (Campus)

Click here to change your location

For Social Work undergraduate students who are looking to change their campus (Philadelphia and/or in West Chester). Please submit a request to change your major in RamPortal by requesting a change of major and selecting the program at the location you desire.


Student Record Management

Name Change

Legal Name

A student may change their legal name to match their ID/SSN card because of a data entry error or if a change is necessary after marriage or divorce. In either case, the form must be filled out in full and supporting documentation must be submitted.

All current students can change their legal name in RamPortal.  Former students do not currently have access to RamPortal and should contact the Registrar's Office with requests to change their legal name on file with the university.


Preferred Name

Students wishing to establish a preferred first name to be used in place of their legal first name in select University related systems and documents may submit their request within RamPortal.


Address Change

Change of Address

All current students can change their address in RamPortal.  Former students do not currently have access to RamPortal and should contact the Registrar's Office with change of address requests. 


Non-Disclosure Request

Non-Disclosure of Directory Information Request Form

Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), a student has the right to request an institution withhold the disclosure of personal directory information. Please take note that restricting this information means your name will not be printed in the Commencement Brochure and WCU will not be able to verify your enrollment or degree without your prior written consent. It is the responsibility of the student to file this form prior to academic publications.



Course Substitution for Graduation Requirement

Course Substitution for WCU Graduation Requirement

This form requests permission to use a non-approved course to fulfill an Interdisciplinary (I), Diversity (J), Writing Emphasis (W), Speaking Emphasis (SE), Ethics (E), Culture Cluster, or General Education Distributive requirement.

Note: This form is officially maintained by the Provost's Office within Academic Affairs.

Petition for Exception to Policy

Petition for Exception to Policy

Undergraduate students understand that it is their responsibility to adhere to all published deadlines and policies, however, the university recognizes that sometimes life events throw stumbling blocks in our path. WCU is sensitive to students who find themselves facing urgent matters beyond their control. You can review those policies in the Undergraduate Catalog.  Below is a link that provides a list of circumstances to which this petition may be utilized, as well as instructions to complete the petition.