Registration: First-Year Scheduling

Welcome New Golden Ram!

After paying your enrollment deposit, the next step is to set up your account if you haven't done so already. Your account gains you access to important campus resources such as RamPortal, WCU email, Navigate, D2L, campus WiFi and more. A account is required for class scheduling.
Learn how to set-up your account

Class Scheduling for Incoming First Year Students

For your first semester, classes are scheduled by WCU faculty/staff based on your Placement Exams .  

First-Year Placement Exams

The First-Year Placement Assessment includes surveys and questions which help us to determine the best classes for you.  Completing the First Year Placement Assessment is required for all new first year students.

The First-Year Placement Assessment will be available later in the Spring semester.

  • The First-Year Placement Assessment is used to determine the appropriate level of your classes based on your high school courses and scoring on the assessment. It's important to give the assessment your full attention. If you score lower than your skill level, you may be placed into courses that may be too easy for you. If you score higher than your skill level, you may be placed in courses more advanced than your ability.
  • The questionnaires and assessments in the First-Year Placement Assessment are unique to each student and their selected major.  Your First-Year Placement Assessment may include some or all the following sections below:

Financial Terms and Conditions Agreement

In order to be registered for courses, all students attending West Chester University are required to complete the West Chester University of PA Financial Terms and Conditions Agreement prior to registering each semester.  Read the information carefully and please be sure to print the agreement if you would like to retain a copy.

Exploratory Studies Survey

The Exploratory Studies Department created a survey for students who are admitted as Exploratory Studies (Undeclared) to help them understand the future major and career interests of each of their advisees. Input on this survey assists to create a schedule that is best suited to help their students gain admission to their major of choice.

This portion of the First-Year Placement Assessment will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Once this task is completed, the student will not be able to modify their answers.

Previous Level Course Work

This section is a series of questions meant to help WCU staff and faculty understand what Advanced Placement (AP) and college-level course credits a student might be transferring into WCU. This information may be used to assist in developing the student’s first year schedule, if the student would like us to take it into consideration. The information provided in this First-Year Placement Assessment does not serve as an official evaluation of potential credits a student may receive as transfer credits.

This portion of the First-Year Placement Assessment will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Once this task is completed, the student will not be able to modify their answers.

Student Support Question

The Office of Educational Accessibility (OEA) is an on-campus resource designed to help students with various learning, physical, and/or emotional disabilities. OEA assist students in making a successful transition to college life and encourages students to understand their needs and strengths to best advocate for themselves.  Students will need to register with OEA to take advantage of services, such as academic coaching, mindfulness coaching, adaptive technology, and/or ADA accommodations.  This section allows students who have a disability or a history of accommodation (IEP, 504, SOP, etc.), to request an appointment to discuss what supports are available at WCU. 

This portion of the First-Year Placement Assessment will take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Student Questionnaire

This section contains a series of questions meant to help WCU staff and faculty create a schedule specifically based on individual student needs and includes questions regarding extracurricular activities and interests.  It also asks students about their availability to technology and general education interests.

This portion of the First-Year Placement Assessment will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.  Once this task is completed, the student will not be able to modify their answers.

Writing Self Placement (WRITE Survey)

More information can be found by visiting the WRITE Survey FAQ Page.

If you experience any problems while completing this survey, please

contact the English Department.

This portion of the First-Year Placement Assessment will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Once this task is completed, the student will not be able to modify their answers.

Mathematics Placement Examination

More information can be found by visiting the Mathematics Placement Policy Page.

If you experience any problems while completing this survey, please

contact the Mathematics Department.


The Mathematics Placement Exam was designed by the Mathematics Department to determine the most appropriate course for a student based on their current knowledge. Students will be placed in a mathematics course based on the following criteria:

(1) Mathematics Placement Examination Score AND (2) Declared Major

Each academic department has identified the mathematics course(s) that are most appropriate for their first-year students. While students may be eager to be registered for the highest level mathematics course they qualify for, they must remember that the highest level mathematics course may not fulfill the requirements for their major. Students entering as Pre-Major or Undeclared will most likely not be scheduled for a mathematics class their first semester.

This portion of the First-Year Placement Assessment will take approximately 60 minutes to complete.  Once you begin, we highly discourage your from stopping in the middle, so please make sure you have allotted adequate time to complete in one sitting.

When the First-Year First-Year Placement Assessment is submitted, the student will not be able to modify their answers, however if the student make retake the examination after completing their Prep and Learning Modules.

Second Language Placement

If you experience any problems while completing this survey, please

contact Languages and Cultures Department.

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or who enter WCU as an Exploratory Studies (Undeclared) student are required to take the Second Language Placement Examination. The score received on this examination will be used by the Department of Languages and Cultures as one of several variables to determine a language placement. Based on other factors (years of language study in high school, at-home use of the language, time since the language was last taken, etc.), final placement may be different from the equivalence indicated by the online test score.

This portion of the First-Year Placement Assessment will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete. Once the First-Year Placement Portal is submitted, the student will not be able to modify their answers, however if the student is interested in re-taking the examination, they can contact the Languages and Cultures Department.

Class Schedules

For Fall admitted students, class schedules will begin to be released in June and continue to be released throughout the summer.  The sooner you successfully complete of the First-Year Placement Assessments, the sooner you will receive your class schedule.  

Once your class schedule is created, it will be visible in RamPortal and the Navigate Student App.

Class schedules may be discussed with advisors at New Student Orientation. Be sure to complete your First-Year Placement Assessment in advance of your summer orientation date.

Adjusting your Class Schedule

More information regarding adjustments to your class schedule will be shared in June. 

Adjusting your Major

Before the first day of the semester, you may change your major in your Admissions Portal. The new major will be reflected in RamPortal within 3-5 days.  After the new major is reflected in RamPortal, you will be provided an update to your schedule within 7-10 days.

After the first day of the semester, all change of major requests can be made through RamPortal on the student forms card.

Selecting a Minor

New first year students may select a minor(s) after the first day classes. Many minors have requirements including a minimum GPA.  Learn more about minors offered and their requirements.  All minor add requests can be made through RamPortal on the student forms card.

General Education Curriculum 

General Education (or Gen Ed for short) are required classes that make up the foundation of all undergraduate degrees at West Chester University. 

What is the WCU General Education Curriculum?

A liberal arts education prepares students to think and communicate as professionals, to understand the social and global contexts of their lives, to transfer knowledge and skills from one setting to another, to recognize difference and make informed decisions using reasoning skills, and to balance the various dimensions of their personal and professional lives. With these important goals in mind, West Chester University’s General Education Program strives to provide students with the experiences necessary to achieve the following goals:

  • Communicate effectively
  • Think critically and analytically
  • Employ quantitative concepts and mathematical methods
  • Demonstrate the ability to think across and about disciplinary boundaries
  • Respond thoughtfully to diversity
  • Understand varied historical, cultural, and philosophical traditions
  • Make informed decisions and ethical choices

Learn more about the General Education Requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog.

What are the General Education Components?

Students will need 6 credits in each of the following areas:

  • Humanities
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences
  • Natural/Computer Sciences

Students will need 3 credits in the following area:

First-Year Experience (FYE)  4
English Composition (WRT) 6
Mathematics 3
Interdisciplinary 3
Diverse Communities 3
Arts 3
Behavioral & Social Science 6
Humanities 6
Science 6

Learn more about the General Education Requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog.

What courses fulfill the General Education Curriculum?

Approved General Education courses are listed in the undergraduate catalog. All students should consult with their adviser to see if the department has specific requirements in these areas. 

Learn more about the General Education Requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog.