For best service starting December 18, 2024, and through January 10, 2025, please reach out to Chris Stangl via email at or call us at 610.436.3435. We will be available virtually during this time and will be happy to assist.

Department of Political Science: Welcome!

The mission of the Department of Political Science is to promote scholarship and responsible citizenship among students at West Chester University. We provide a comprehensive curriculum that exposes students to the principal subfields of the discipline and encourages critical analysis and communication skills. The department prepares students for careers in government/public service, law, teaching, business and international affairs and admission to various advanced degree programs. Through internship programs, service learning, simulations, and other curricular and co-curricular activities, the Department offers students experience in politics, government and law. Actively involved in research, teaching and applied scholarship, the political science faculty serves as mentors to students seeking academic challenge and civic involvement in an environment that values diversity.

Review the programs we offer and contact us today to discover how the Department of Political Science at West Chester University can be a part of your future.

Thank you for your interest!


Undergraduate Programs


  • Government and Politics
  • International Affairs
  • Certificate in Social Studies Education


  • Political Science
  • Law, Politics, and Society
  • Global Studies

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