Monitoring and Updating Cases in Navigate


As part of the Success Coaching care unit, faculty now have access to case details for:

  • No/Low Attendance Alerts
  • Academic Concern Alerts
  • Success Coaching Referrals

This guide outlines how to monitor cases in real-time, enter case notes, and follow best practices for updating case records.

Monitoring Cases in Real-Time

  1. Log into Navigate and click on the Cases icon   on the left Navigation.
  2. Use filters to refine your view:
    • Status = Open
    • Opened by = Scroll to your name.
  3. A list of students for whom you raised concerns/referrals will appear.
    Case Notes screenshot

    Click on Manage Case at the end of the row to view details, including any notes or previous updates.
    Case Notes Sceenshot #2

Reviewing and Adding Case Notes

  • Case notes will appear in the Manage Case dialogue box.
  • Review existing notes to track outreach efforts and student responses.
    Case Notes #3 Screenshot

Adding Additional Case Notes

  1. On the Manage Case dialogue box.
  2. Enter your new comment in the Comment Box.
  3. Click Add Comment. Your comments will now be part of the case record.
    Case Notes screenshot #4

Best Practices for Entering Case Notes

Faculty should add case notes only in the following situations:

The student has resolved the issue.

  • Example: A student initially reported for low attendance has re-engaged in class.

New relevant details are available.

  • Example: The student reached out for support, provided an update, or their circumstances have changed.

Avoid excessive updates. Case notes should focus on key developments rather than routine check-ins.