Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics offers a BA degree in mathematics and a BS degree in mathematics. By choosing from available electives, students can specialize in specific branches of mathematics or pursue a concentration in a related field such as financial mathematics, statistics, actuarial science, or applied and computational mathematics. In all degree programs, students receive a sound preparation for graduate study.
The Department of Mathematics offers the master of arts degree with options in mathematics and mathematics education, the master of science degree in applied statistics, a certificate in applied statistics, and the master of science in mathematics applied and computational concentration.
The Department offers four accelerated, 3+2 undergraduate/graduate programs for capable and motivated students. These programs allow students to complete their baccalaureate and Master’s degree in five years comprised of three years of undergraduate study followed by two years of graduate study.
Links to pages with further information about all the programs offered by the Department of Mathematics, both undergraduate and graduate, may be found on the programs page.
Feel free to visit the Mathematics Learning Center (link to the web page under the picture of the Mathematics Department building) located in UNA 124, for mathematics resources and tutoring.
Starting March 10, 2025, and through March 14, 2025, please reach out to Sally Malarney via email at
smalarney@wcupa.eduor call us at 610-436-2440. We will be available virtually during this time and will be happy to assist.
News and Updates
- The West Chester University Department of Mathematics
38th Annual Awards Ceremonywas held at in Penn Oaks on November 10th, 2024.
The 38th Annual Brunch and Awards Ceremony was held on Sunday, 10 November 2024 at Penn Oaks Golf Club 150 Penn Oaks Drive, West Chester, PA, 19382.
Here is the ceremony program, including a list of awardees and presenters, and information about the various scholarships.
A big thanks to Professor Lin Tan for being the ceremony photographer (thanks also to his assistant, Sam Kolpas), and the pictures he took may be found on this Shutterfly page.
- Students Benjamin Pentecost (graduate Applied and Computational mathematics program) and Anastasia Clements (undergraduate mathematics) presented their research at the EPaDel Fall 2024 Section Meeting held on November 2, 2024 at Penn State Abington. See the Student Research page for more information.
- The mathematics department is offering two shadow days on 10/17 and 11/6 for prospective students to attend classes, meet with faculty, and learn more about our programs. Please use the to sign up.
- Actuarial Interview Day 2024 Success - The 7th Actuarial Career Fair, held from August 26 to September 25, was a great success. Ten companies participated, and 18 Math/Stat students applied. Nine students secured interview opportunities, with those who had passed at least one SOA/CAS exam receiving multiple offers.
- As a complement to the Actuarial Interview Day, Dr. Xu hosted an engaging actuarial recruiting event on September 25, 2024, the
AmeriHealth Caritas Recruiting Eventat WCU
As a complement to the Actuarial Interview Day, Dr. Xu hosted an engaging actuarial recruiting event on September 25, 2024, featuring guest speakers Tabbi Levengood and Larry Mangan from AmeriHealth Caritas.
Scan the QR code for the Instagram post.
- Eliza Zimmerman Receives
Actuarial Science Award
Congratulations to Eliza Zimmerman for receiving the Actuarial Science Award by passing the SOA P exam! Well done!
- Dr. Jeremy Brazas and Dr. Rosemary Sullivan represented the Mathematics Department at the on Monday 9/23/2024.
- The Department of Mathematics
14th annual integration beewas held on April 17, 2024. Thanks once again to Professor Mike Fisher for organizing this event. Thanks also to Professor Lin Tan for being event photographer.
The Department of Mathematics 14th annual integration bee was held on April 17th, 2024.
For the fourth year running, there was a separate category for BC Calculus students from local schools.
High school winners were: (1) Andrew Lippin (Bishop Shanahan), (2) Angela Wang (Westtown School), and (3) Jackson Yenner (Downingtown West).
WCU winners were: (1) Soren Basol, (2) Josh Testa, and (3) Ayala Snir.
This event event was organized by Professor Mike Fisher, with the assistance of of the following Mathematics Department faculty: Jeremy Brazas, Allison Kolpas, Chuan Li, Jimmy Mc Laughlin, Scott Parsell and Rosemary Sullivan. Sean Bastian also helped with the facilitation of this event.
Thanks also goes to Dr. Lin Tan for all of the pictures he took of the event, and to the Math. Dept. Administrative Assistant, Ms. Sally Malarney, for helping with all the pre-Bee ordering and logistics, and also setting up the Shutterfly page, which has more pictures.
Pizza was provided by the Mathematics Department.
- The West Chester University Department of Mathematics
37th Annual Awards Ceremonywas held at in Penn Oaks on November 19th, 2023.
The 37th Annual Brunch and Awards Ceremony was held on Sunday, 19 November 2023 at Penn Oaks Golf Club 150 Penn Oaks Drive, West Chester, PA, 19382.
Here is the ceremony program, including a list of awardees and presenters, and information about the various scholarships.
A big thanks to Professor Lin Tan for being the ceremony photographer, and the pictures he took may be found on this Shutterfly page.
- Professor Brian Bowen has been awarded a Provost’s Enrollment Planning Investment grant (PEPI) to develop his project, the Establishment of the Mathematics Learning Center.
- Professor Kim Johnson appeared on an ODLI podcast on May 3rd 2023, where she discussed "Using H5P to Support Inclusive and Equity-Minded Course Design". Listen to the podcast here.
- Dr. Michael J. Hirsch (West Chester University of Pennsylvania alumnus with a B.A. in Mathematics and Computer
Science, '96) received the West Chester University Distinguished Alumni Award on
April 29th 2023. Here is a video of Dr. Hirsch's acceptance speech (best watched full screen). - The Department of Mathematics
13th annual integration beewas held on March 29, 2023. Thanks once again to Professor Mike Fisher for organizing this event. Thanks also to Professor Lin Tan for all the great pictures that he took, can be viewed on this Shutterfly page.
The Department of Mathematics 13th annual integration bee was held on March 29th, 2023.
For the third year running, there a separate category for BC Calculus students from local schools.
High school winners were: 1st Jefferson Cooper, 2nd Om Tailor, 3rd Matthew Beebe.
WCU winners were: 1st Soren Basol, 2nd Nicholas Cantando, 3rd Jessie Lua.
This event event was organized by Professor Mike Fisher, with the assistance of of the following Mathematics Department faculty: Jeremy Brazas, Gail Gallitano, Peter Glidden, Cliff Johnston, Scott Parsell, Lin Tan and Peter Zimmer. Sean Bastian and Ethan Whitney also helped with the facilitation of this event.
Thanks also goes to Dr. Lin Tan for all of the pictures he took of the event, and to the Math. Dept. secretary, Ms. Sally Malarney, for helping with all the pre-Bee ordering and logistics.
Pizza was provided by the Mathematics Department.
- Professor Kim Johnson of the Mathematics Department was The People’s Award Winner at the recent technology showcase held by The Office of Digital Learning and Innovation at West Chester University. Professor Johnson received the award for her presentation Creating Equity with h5p Activities , and here is a short video of Professor Johnson discussing the content of the presentation.
- The West Chester University Department of Mathematics
36th Annual Awards Ceremonywas held at in Penn Oaks on November 13th, 2022.
36th Annual Brunch and Awards Ceremony was held on Sunday, 13 November 2022 at Penn Oaks Golf Club 150 Penn Oaks Drive, West Chester, PA, 19382.
Here is the ceremony program, including a list of awardees and presenters, and information about the various scholarships.
A big thanks to Professor Lin Tan for being the ceremony photographer, and the pictures he took may be found on this Shutterfly page.
- There have been several recent updates to the Student Research Page, including details of recent student publications and student presentations at the CSM Research Poster Session in May 2022 and Research and Creative Activity Day at the end of April 2022.
- Professor Laura Pyott received the Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award at the meeting of the WCU Council of Trustees on May 19th 2022. A big thank you to Scott McClintock for putting that nomination together. Congratulations Laura!
- Dr. Viorel Nitica (deceased) was granted emeritus status at the meeting of the WCU Council of Trustees on May 19th 2022. Thanks to retired professors Frank Grosshans, John Kerrigan, and Paul Wolfson for putting the nomination together.
- The Department of Mathematics
12th annual integration bee(delayed by two years due to covid) was held on April 14, 2022. For the third year running, there a separate category for BC Calculus students from local schools.
The Department of Mathematics 12th annual integration bee (delayed by two years due to covid) was held on April 14, 2022.
For the second year running, there a separate category for BC Calculus students from local schools.High school winners were: 1st Eric Ochis (Westtown H.S.), 2nd Milo Salvucci (Westtown H.S.), and 3rd Christina Wilson (Westtown H.S.).
WCU winners were: 1st Soren Basol, 2nd Sean Bastian, and 3rd Ethan Whitney.This event event was organized by Professor Mike Fisher, with the assistance of of the following Mathematics Department faculty: Jeremy Brazas, Peter Glidden, Cliff Johnston, Chuan Li, Scott Parsell, Laura Pyott and Rosemary Sullivan.
Thanks also goes to Dr. Lin Tan for all of the pictures he took of the event, and to the Math. Dept. secretary, Ms. Sally Malarney, for helping with all the pre-Bee ordering and logistics.
Pizza was provided by the Mathematics Department.
Thanks to Ms. Malarney for also posting the pictures taken by Dr. Tan to Shutterfly
- here is the Shutterfly page with those pictures. - Long-delayed due to disruptions caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, the second issue of the math. dept.'s Math Times has finally seen the light of day (March 27th 2022).
- If you are an incoming freshman (starting at West Chester University in academic year 2022-2023), intending to major in Mathematics or another STEM field, follow the link for information an NSF S-STEM Scholarship opportunity.
- The West Chester University Department of Mathematics 35th Annual Awards Ceremony was held at in Penn Oaks on November 14th, 2021.
- Professor Kim Johnson is co-chairing the 43rd Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-NA 43). West Chester University is an official sponsor of the conference, which will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on October 14-17, 2021. This will be the first time it will be held in Northeastern United States since 1989. Here is the conference flyer. UPDATE: Professor Johnson was also one of the editors of the conference proceedings.
- Professor Lisa Marano was recently appointed as the College of the Sciences and Mathematics
Associate Deanbeginning August 2021.Dr. Marano joined the Mathematics Department in 2002, earning the rank of Professor in 2016, and served as the inaugural director of the Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance programs. Since 2016, she served as the Dean’s Faculty Associate for Student Success. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Mathematical Association of America. With this skillset, she will be well suited to serve the College. The Mathematics Department wishes her the best of luck!
- Professor James Mc Laughlin has been selected to receive the 2021
Trustees Achievement Award.The Trustees Achievement Award recognizes distinguished scholarly and creative work by a current West Chester University faculty member: specific, original contributions to a discipline (as in a research study, monograph, scholarly paper, literary work, musical composition, or work of art), or a significant collective body of work. Emphasis is on the national and international contribution of the scholarly work.
- Eric Boerman (graduate student, Applied and Computational Concentration (A&C) Program, working with Professor Chuan Li) won 1st place for his oral presentation in the Research and Creative Activity Day held on Thursday 4/29/2021 (see the Promotional Flyer). Mathematics graduate students Mick Bauer and Henry Brown, also working with Professor Li, presented in this Research and Creative Activity Day also. Congratulations to everyone for their excellent work.
- Some students of Professor Chuan Li presented posters at the CSM Research Poster Session, on Tuesday 4/27/2021. Rex Llewellyn (graduate student, Applied and Computational Concentration (A&C) Program) presented a poster (Matched Interface and Boundary Method for Solving the Heat Equation with Interfaces) and Khanh Pham (graduate, A&C program) and Katherine Peltier (undergraduate, A&C BS), presented another poster (Parallel Computing of Action Potentials in the Hodgkin-Huxley Model via the Parareal Algorithm). Congratulations to all of them for their excellent work.
- Congratulations to our May 2020 graduates who had their Commencement Day on Sunday
April 25th 2021 (delayed due to covid 19). Special congratulations to
Angela Bussanichwho was chosen as Commencement Speaker for the Undergraduate College of Science and Mathematics May 2020 Ceremony.
Congratulations to all our May 2020 graduates and especially to Angela Bussanich who was chosen as Commencement Speaker for the Undergraduate College of Science and Mathematics May 2020 Ceremony!
Ms. Bussanich is seen here with Commencement Mace Bearer Dr. Cliff Johnson and Professor Dr. Lisa Marano, both from the Mathematics Department. Angela will also participate in our May 2021 ceremony as she is graduating with her M.S. in Applied Statistics this year too.
- Students interested in a scholarship opportunity should visit the WCU S-STEM Scholarship Program page for more information and to submit an application.
- Professor Emily K. Miller of the Mathematics Department is co-PI on a recently awarded NSF grant of nearly $1 million to provide scholarships for low-income, STEM-intending students.
- The 34th Annual Awards ceremony was not held in person due to the pandemic. However awards were still given - here is the list of recipients and the program.
- Mathematics major
Elias Nebiyou(double majoring in Actuarial Science and Statistics) has been elected President of the Student Government Association for the 2021-22 academic year.
Nebiyou Elias (he/him) is a third-year student from King of Prussia, PA who is double majoring in Actuarial Science and Statistics. He currently serves as the SGA senator for the College of Sciences and Mathematics.
Nebiyou hopes to establish relationships with the administration to ensure they are able to understand student concerns. He hopes to make West Chester University a place that ALL students feel heard and valued. Nebiyou has worked with New Student Programs, Off Campus and Commuter Services, Wellness Promotion, and the Dowdy Multicultural Center. While working in Student Affairs, Nebiyou realized student input makes a huge difference, especially when trying to improve future events. He would love to work with the student body and ensure that underrepresented groups have a voice.
Nebiyou wants to bring the colleges together by, for example, having forums with the deans of the colleges to have open conversations with students on ways to improve their experience with the colleges. He would also like to see organizations collaborate more with one another as we all have different things to offer that will help contribute to the overall success of the university’s students. For instance, when OCCA and German Club collaborated and held an event, that provided a platform for the two organizations to not only reach a broader audience, but also introduce them to each other. Nebiyou Elias is dedicated and actively works to make sure students can voice concerns, work to be more inclusive and looks forward to improving West Chester for future Golden Rams.
- The 2020 Tournier Ethics Research Award has been won by mathematics major Julia Edwards.
- On March 4, graduate students in Applied Statistics participated in STEAM night at Hillsdale Elementary School in West Chester.
- West Chester University Department of Mathematics 33rd Annual Awards Ceremony was held on November 17, 2019.
- On October 19th, West Chester University hosted a Preservice Teacher day of Mathematics. This event was co-organized by Dr. Brian Bowen, Dr. Kim Johnson and Dr. Emily K. Miller, with sponsorship from PCTM and PAMTE.
- On Friday, September 20, WCU and Arcadia University hosted the
3rd Joint Actuarial Science Career Fair.On Friday, September 20, WCU and Arcadia University hosted the 3rd Joint Actuarial Science Career Fair. At this event, over 20 WCU students were given over 30 interviews for internships and jobs in the Actuarial or other related fields. Participating as interviewers were alumni of the program, Kerry Frees of Penn Mutual, Courtney McIlvaine of TransAmerica, and Michael Colon and Mark Remner of Willis Towers Watson. Other companies participating included LTCG, Licoln Financial, Voya, Venerable, Independence Blue Cross, Aon, and CBIZ.
- Dr. Lisa Marano of the Mathematics Department (along with Drs. Rodney Mader and Shannon Mrkich, English, and Dr. Josh Auld, Biology) was named one of WCU’s First Mission Makers for the work they have done in developing and implementing the First Year Experience program at WCU.
- Are you interested in participating in the Beta Alpha Psi & Wipfli Ethics Case Competition? Follow the link for more information and to register.
- Dr Andreas Aristotelous has been awarded additional funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Mathematical Science (DMS), programs in Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Biology. These funds are in support of the third year of his grant, awarded after successful evaluation of his annual progress report. His grant award now totals 100,115.00 dollars.
- View some pictures of Mathematics Department students who graduated in Spring 2019, and who attended West Chester University's 146th Commencement Ceremony.
- The Department of Mathematics
11th annual integration bee
The 11th annual Department of Mathematics integration bee was held on April 10, 2019. For the second year running, there a separate category for BC Calculus students from local schools.
High school winners were: 1st Kevin Guo (Great Valley H.S.), 2nd Katelyn DePaula (GVHS), and 3rd Ethan Whitney.
WCU winners were: 1st Keith Hazen, 2nd Sean Hazen, and 3rd Michael Procell.
This event event was organized by Dr. Mike Fisher, with the assistance of Dr. Andreas Aristotelous, Dr. Jeremy Brazas, Dr. Peter Glidden, Dr. Chuan Li, Dr. James Mc Laughlin, Dr. Scott Parsell, Dr. Rosemary Sullivan, and Dr. Peter Zimmer.
Thanks also goes to Dr. Lin Tan for all of the pictures he took of the event, and to the Math. Dept. secretary, Ms. Sally Malarney, for helping with all the pre-Bee ordering and logistics.
Pizza was provided by the Mathematics Department.
Thanks to Ms. Malarney for also posting the pictures taken by Dr. Tan to Shutterfly - here is the Shutterfly page with those pictures.
was held on April 10, 2019. For the second year running, there a separate category for BC Calculus students from local schools.
- Updated information about the Masters of Arts Program in Mathematics, including upcoming course offerings.
- Upcoming in Summer 2019 - Graphing Technology Institutes for mathematics and science high and middle school teachers.
- West Chester University Department of Mathematics 32nd Annual Awards Ceremony was held on November 4, 2018.
- EPaDel's Fall 2018 meeting was held November 3, 2018 at West Chester University.
- The inaugural edition of the Mathematics Department's newsletter, Math Times, has just been published.
- WCU hosted a
Math and Actuarial Science Career Fair
WCU hosted a Math and Actuarial Science Career Fair on Friday, September 21, 2018. This is the second time that this Career Day has been held, the first time being in 2017 at our partner institution, Arcadia University.
This event was organized jointly by Dr. Lisa Marano, West Chester University Mathematics Department, and Dr. Irina Pogrebivsky and Dr. Ned Wolff from the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at Arcadia University.
Twenty-five students from our Actuary and other Mathematics programs and the Applied Statistics graduate program participated in formal and informal interviews throughout the day.
Participating companies included CBIZ, Lincoln Financial Group, Aon Pension Group, Aon Health Group, Transamerica, Penn Mutual, IPipeline, Willis Towers Watson – Actuarial Group, and Willis Towers Watson - Pension Group.
Of note, among the interviewers were four WCU Mathematics Department alumni: Courtney McIlvaine (Biddle), Eric Rau, Michael Colon, and Kerry Freas.
on Friday, September 21, 2018.
- Two students of Dr. Allison Kolpas, graduate student
Lane D’Alessandroand undergraduate student
Lane D’Alessandro presenting his poster at the Evolution in Philadelphia Conference (EPiC) on Saturday, September 8th 2018.
Abstract: Fitness is environment-specific, and many organisms have evolved the ability to alter resource allocation based on perceived environmental cues (e.g., food/mate availability, predation risk). We are developing an optimization model that examines relative resource allocation into growth, reproduction, and defensive morphology under varying conditions. Specifically, we are investigating how reproductive investment in terms of rate and amount changes as a function of predation risk. The survival function utilizes a modified Gompertz-Makeham law for mortality. The fecundity function is the product of the reproductive schedule and output. The reproductive schedule utilizes a gamma distribution and the output is modeled exponentially. Optimizing the fitness model yields the optimal resource allocation and resulting reproductive schedule. This allows us to understand the effects of phenotypic plasticity in life-history traits on the evolution of a post-reproductive period.
Here is the poster from Lane's presentation.
Lane is a graduate student in the M.S. in Mathematics - Applied and Computational Concentration program. He is conducting research with Dr. Allison Kolpas.
Jeremy Budgeon, presented posters at the Evolution in Philadelphia Conference (EPiC) on Saturday, September 8th at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia.Jeremy Budgeon presenting his poster at the Evolution in Philadelphia Conference (EPiC) on Saturday, September 8th 2018.
Abstract: In this research experiment, snails were exposed to different levels of predation, and data was collected on the reproductive output of the snails. Snails detect chemical cues from their predators and alter their behavior based on these cues. Thus, levels of predation were simulated by varying the amounts of predator chemical that was put into the snails’ tanks. For this experiment, there were three different levels of predation: no predation, 50% exposure, and 100% exposure. For each level of predation, data was collected on the frequency of snail reproduction, clutch size, and the reproductive lifespan of the snails. Using this data, a statistical analysis comparing different reproductive variables was conducted. In the analysis, the reproductive intervals of the snails were compared with the ages, predation levels, and clutch sizes of the snails. Based on these findings, we were able to predict and simulate the final reproductive interval of the snails. The final reproductive interval gets interrupted by a period of no reproduction before the snails die. Thus, we were interested in trying to predict the post reproductive lifespan based on the data collected on reproductive intervals and the other factors that contributed to the reproductive intervals.
Here is the poster from Jeremy's presentation.
Jeremy is an undergraduate student in the Applied and Computational Mathematics BS track, with minors in Statistics and Computer Science. He is conducting research with Dr. Allison Kolpas.
- Dr Andreas Aristotelous gave an invited
talk(follow the link to access the slides and recording of the talk) at the SIAM Life Sciences 2018 Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Aug 6-9, 2018.Mini Symposium Title: Recent Advances of Phase Field Models in Life Science
Talk Title: Unconditionally energy stable DG-FE schemes for diffuse interface models
Recorded Talk/slides: presentations/115285 - WCU is hosting a Math and Actuarial Science Career Fair on Friday, September 21. Students must register by September 6. Visit Actuarial Career Day for more details and registration information.
- Dr. Allison Kolpas, mathematics, recently co-authored a
paperwith“Optimal Mating Strategies for Preferentially Outcrossing Simultaneous Hermaphrodites in the Presence of Predators” in the Bulletin of Mathematical BiologyCorin Strattonand Dr. Josh Auld, biology; see Corin was supported by an NSF RUI Grant that Dr. Auld and Dr. Kolpas share.Corin Stratton was an undergraduate researcher in mathematics at the time the paper was written and is currently in the MA in Mathematics program at WCU.
- Professors Chuan Li and Lisa Marano are local organizers for the upcoming MAA EPaDel meeting which held at West Chester University on November 3, 2018.
- Professors Gail Gallitano and Shiv Gupta have published a book, Topics in Number Theory.
- Undergraduate student Kelli Johnson won 2nd place in the Social Sciences and Mathematics Division at the 2018 CSM Poster Day held on Friday April 27, 2018. Here is Kelli's poster.
- Professor Mark McKibben is ;the 2018 recipient of West Chester University's Distinguished Sponsored Research Award.
- Professor Laura Pyott has been awarded a development grant of $2000 from The Committee for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) to fund her project “Taking the Political Pulse of WCU Students.”
Benjamin Plumridge, a graduate student of Dr Andreas Aristotelous, won 3rd prize at the Spring 2018 CSM Poster Session held on April 27 2018. Here is Ben's poster.
Ben Plumridge is a graduate student working with with Dr. Andreas Aristotelous.
He was accepted to the Industrial Math/Stat Modeling Workshop for Graduate Students – July 16-26, 2017.
This is a prestigious and selective program , with only 30-40 graduate students from the USA (sometimes from outside the USA) accepted each year.
He has recently been accepted into the PhD program at University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
West Chester University Department of Mathematics professor Dr. Lisa Marano joins the Board of Directors of the Mathematical Association of America as Chair of MAA Committee on Sections. Dr. Marano began her term on February 1, 2018, and will serve in this capacity until 2021. Here is a brief
biography of Dr. MaranoLisa Marano is a professor and director of the actuarial science program at West Chester University where she also serves as the coordinator for the Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance programs. She received her BA from Rider University and her MS and Ph.D. in mathematics from Lehigh University. Marano serves on the MAA Committee for Minority Participation in Mathematics. Prior to this, she served two terms on the MAA Committee for Undergraduate Student Activities and Chapters Member and has served the MAA Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware Section as Governor/Section Representative, Chair, Vice Chair, and Section NExT Coordinator.
issued by the MAA at the time of the announcement of her appointment. A big congratulations to Lisa.
- The Department of Mathematics 2018
integration bee
The Department of Mathematics 2018 Integration Bee was held on April 11, 2018.
This event event was organized by Dr. Mike Fisher, with the assistance of Dr. Andreas Aristotelous, Dr. Jeremy Brazas, Dr. Andrew Crossett, Dr. Peter Glidden, Dr. Allison Kolpas, Dr. Chuan Li, Dr. James Mc Laughlin, Scott Parsell, Dr. Rosemary Sullivan, and Dr. Peter Zimmer.
Pizza was provided by the Mathematics Department, and a fun time was had by all.
Pictures were taken by Professors Andreas Aristotelous, Mike Fisher and Scott Parsell.
The 2018 integration bee - Sean Hazen was first, Keith Hazen was second, and Sean Bastian was third.
For the first time, the Department invited BC Calculus students from Downingtown, West Chester, and Unionville – Chadds Ford to participate. We are pleased to announce that Mr. Noriyuki Shinagawa from Downingtown STEM took home the first place prize, a $150 gift card.
The winner of 2018 integration bee, high school class, was Noriyuki Shinagawa from Downingtown STEM.
was held on April 11, 2018. This year there a separate category for BC Calculus students from local schools.
- The 2018 Pi Mu Epsilon induction ceremony was held on April 5th, 2018.
- There is a new summer program in the Cayman Islands for West Chester University students.
Benjamin Plumridge, a graduate student of Dr Andreas Aristotelous, won first prize at the All Science Research Poster Session held on December 8th, 2017.
Ben Plumridge is a graduate student working with with Dr. Andreas Aristotelous.
He was accepted to the Industrial Math/Stat Modeling Workshop for Graduate Students – July 16-26, 2017.
This is a prestigious and selective program , with only 30-40 graduate students from the USA (sometimes from outside the USA) accepted each year.
He has recently been accepted into the PhD program at University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
- The second Conference for Pre-service and First year teachers,
Promoting Excellence in Mathematics Education, will take place on April 21, 2018.
Promoting Excellence in Mathematics Education Conference
A conference for pre-service and “new" in-service 6 – 12 mathematics educators focused on sharing experiences and empowering educators.
Keynote Session: James Hiebert, University of Delaware
Dr. James Hiebert is a Professor in the School of Education at the University of Delaware. He is interested, most generally, in teaching and learning in the classrooms.
Breakout Sessions:
Theme 1 - Essential Strategies for Beginning Teachers
Theme 2 - Using Technology Effectively in the Classroom
Networking Lunch
Hosted by: West Chester University Mathematics Department
Location: 25 University Ave, West Chester, PA
Date: April 21 2018
Time: 9am – 2pmConference Registration is Free! Lunch Provided! Gift Cards will be raffled during lunch!
Register here.
- Professor Jimmy Mc Laughlin has published a book, Topics and Methods in q-Series.
- The Department of Mathematics 31st Annual Awards Ceremony was held on September 24, 2017.
- Professor Andreas Aristotelous was awarded an
NSF grant
Grant award from the NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS)
Programs: Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Biology
Award Number: DMS 1720226
Title: Computational Methods for Heterogeneous Soft Living Materials
This award starts July 1, 2017 and ends June 30, 2020
Continuing grant: Currently awarded $65,351.00, award expected to total $100,115.00 dollars.
NSF webpage for the award: Click here.
on July 1 2017.
- Benjamin Plumridge , a graduate student of Dr Andreas Aristotelous, has been accepted to the Industrial Math/Stat Modeling Workshop for Graduate Students – July 16-26, 2017.
This is a prestigious and selective program, with only 30-40 graduate students from the USA (sometimes from outside the USA) accepted each year. - The Department of Mathematics 2017
Integration Beewas held on April 12, 2017. Pizza and fun were had by all.
The Department of Mathematics 2017 Integration Bee was held on April 12, 2017.
This event event was organized by Dr. Mike Fisher, with the assistance of Dr. Andreas Aristotelous, Dr. Chuan Li, Dr. James Mc Laughlin, Dr. Rosemary Sullivan, Dr. Lin Tan, Dr. Viorel Nitica, and Dr. Peter Zimmer.
Pizza and fun were had by all.Pictures were taken by Professor Lin Tan.
- The 30th
Mathematics Scholarship Awards Banquetwas held on Saturday, 5 November, at the Foundation.The 30th Mathematics Scholarship Awards Banquet was held on Saturday, 5 November, at the Foundation.
There were cocktails with faculty and benefactors from 4:30 – 5:30, and from 5:30 – 6:00 was the opportunity for faculty, award recipients and their parents to socialize, and then the dinner began at 6:00. - The Department now offers a Master of Science Degree in Mathematics - Applied and Computational Concentration.
- Graduate Course Schedule going forward from Fall 2015.
- Mathematicians have the best jobs - read the article in the Wall Street Journal