French Club

French Club 2024

The French Club focuses on not just French culture, but international culture in general! We strive to become more educated in French music, art, dancing, and theatre. The French Club provides opportunities for students to visit international themed events near WCU. We meet regularly to brainstorm new ideas and events, talk to other students with similar interests and most importantly have fun! We welcome anyone who is interested in the French language, culture, as well as French majors and minors!

Club Officers 2024-2025

Title Name
President Elise Mattie
Vice-President Aircheline Litus
Treasurer Nicole Fleurie
Secretary Emilie Smith 
Advisor Dr. Roxane Petit-Rasselle

Mission Statement

The French Club aims to promote enthusiasm among students for the French language and culture and to provide students with a friendly and casual yet structured way to approach the language. As a club within the Department of Languages and Cultures, the club encourages the exploration of other cultures, languages and their subsequent student organizations. Through the activities held by the club each semester, West Chester students have the opportunity to meet native French-speaking students who are studying at WCU. This type of interaction enables greater understanding and appreciation, on both sides, of the other's culture. 

In the past, activities have included watching French films, experiencing cuisine from Francophone countries and playing French games. All of this is in addition to the end of the semester bakery trip to La Baguette Magique on Market Street in the West Chester Borough. This bakery trip provides a relaxed, and tasty, celebration of the end of the semester. Occasionally the club offers field trip opportunities to French theatre and museum events. During the fall semester of 2019, the club coordinated a trip to the Philadelphia Museum of the Arts. 

The French Club represents a collaboration between students who are interested in French, native French-speaking students and the faculty of the French Department. For students who study the language as a major or minor, the club provides a way to further express their admiration for the language as well as an extra opportunity to practice communication with other students and faculty. However, participation in the club is not contingent with being able to communicate in French. The club welcomes all who are curious about the French culture, history and language and requires no language proficiency.  

If you are interested in being a part of the French Club and or learning more about it, visit the French Club’s RamConnect page. You are more than welcome to contact any of the board members for information as well.  


Name of the Organization: The French Club

Purpose: To promote the understanding and appreciation of French culture through its language, history, and civilization.


  1. Membership
    • Membership is open to any student from West Chester University and individual from the West Chester community regardless of disabilities, nationality, race, color, religion, creed, sex, and sexual orientation.
    • Membership is secured by having one's name enlisted and by attendance to the meetings.
    • No special initiation ceremonies, pledging rituals or hazing activities shall be required to be eligible for membership.
  2. Meetings
    • Meeting dates, normally at least once a month, are determined by the Executive Committee.
    • Members will be notified of meeting dates and times through announcements in class and printed campus notices at least one week in advance.
  3. Elections
    • Elections, usually held in the Fall semester, shall be determined by majority vote.
    • Officers shall retain their post for one academic year.
    • The presence of at least one third of the members shall constitute a quorum.
  4. Officers
    • Officers of the organization shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
  5. Executive Committee
    • The officers of the organization shall serve as the Executive Committee. This committee shall have final voice on any issue brought before it.
    • Special sub-committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee in case of emergency or to study a particular issue.
  6. Advisor
    • The advisor shall be a member of the French faculty at West Chester University.
    • The advisor does not have to be present at the meetings, but his/her approval is necessary before any action is taken by the organization.
  7. Impeachment
    • Consent of at least two thirds active members is necessary for impeachment.
  8. Ratification, Amendment, and Revision
    • Ratification shall be by majority vote at a regular meeting of at least one third members present.
    • Amendments and revisions may be proposed by any member at a regular meeting of the organization.
    • Amendments and revisions are adopted by a two third vote at the following regular meeting.
Read More about the French Club Constitution